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'Jimin, help.' I bang on his bedroom door

We're going to Jungkook's party tonight, and I don't know what to wear. I ran over to Jimin's as he wasn't picking up his phone. His mom let me in, telling me he's upstairs.

'Could you not break down my door please?' He opens up, towel drying his hair. He just came out of the shower it seems. Would explain why he didn't pick up.

'I don't know what to wear.' I complain running over to his wardrobe

'You never do, but I don't think you'll find a dress in my closet.' He mocks me

'C'mon, get ready then help me find something.' I plead with him

'If you let me reach my closet so I can find what I'm gonna wear, I'll help you.' I move and he goes through his hangers for a minute before pulling out some silky, white, button up shirt and ripped jeans. He takes off his shirt and quickly puts the other one one. We never really hid from each other while changing. It's kind of normal for us. It's not that it happens often, but even when it does it's not that crazy.

He's turned his back to me so I can't see the front, but looking at him, at his back, he really did grow up. Even his back is musclier and toned. I've started noticing all these things only after Young pointed it out to me.

'Done, let's go.' His voice wakes me up out of my thoughts.

'Ah, yeah, let's- Is that perfume?' I come really close to him, sniffling him. He smells great. But since when did he use perfumes?

'Yes, it's this human thing were people like to smell nice.' He flicks my forehead 'Let's get you dressed up if we plan on going.'

I said bye to his parents and we went over to mine. He ramaged through my wardrobe finding what I could wear.

'Come here.' He holds up two dresses next to me 'Hmmm... try this one.' I take the dress he gave me and go to the bathroom to change. It's a light pink dress, flairy on the bottom, very simple. Cute.

'What's the judgement?' I ask twirling as I come out of the bathroom. He smiles giving me thumbs up.

'Yayyy! Okay time 10 minutes to do my makeup and we're good to go.' He groans because he knows damn well it won't be 10 minutes.

I've done very basic, light makeup. Curled my lashes adding a tiny bit of eyeliner. Put a bit of lipstick on the middle of my lips, making them just a bit rosy and some blush.

'Put these on.' Jimin gives me a pair of earrings he got me for my 18th birthday. 'They'll go along with the dress.' He smiles
I never wear them because I'm afraid to lose them, they're gorgeous. 3 little glistening lines trickling down from the earlobes. Very pretty. But if he says it goes together, then imma listen.

I put them on without a complaint. He was right. They do fit. But you can't see them from my hair. Well, not until Jimin surprised me by picking up my hair, putting it in a ponytail.
'Maybe put your hair up. You always have it down.'

'I feel like I'm one of those tv shows where you come on and they dress you up and make you pretty.' I chuckle

'Someone has to, you sure don't do it yourself.' He teases

'I feel cute so I'm not gonna argue. I'll just ignore it.' I say making him laugh again

'Let's go then cutie. Taking ages.' He jokes again

Just as we were about to walk out, my mom came in, running into us.
'Oh my, Jimin don't you look dashing.' And compliments him 'Oh, is that my daughter over there?' She looks at me pretending not to recognise me

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