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Why am I being so conscious of him all of a sudden? All he did was give me a compliment. It's not the first time either. Must be all the rides he we went on. I'm going to shower and calm myself down.

I showered for quite a long time, probably around 20 minutes. I'm feeling completely fine now. I'm ready to see him now.
I walk out of the bathroom and find him sleeping on my bed. He just blacked out, probably the moment he sat on the bed. His legs are hanging off the bed. He even had his shoes on.

I'll just take off his shoes. I don't think he will wake up. He's comatose.
I was right. He didn't even budge. This kind of makes me a bit relieved that he's sleeping. I'll just change and go to bed. I don't think he'll be waking up tonight.

I crawled in the bed, being careful not to move too much, but he just kept snoring quietly. He's scrunching his nose in his sleep. His hair is tickling him. I giggle at the sight and decide to move his hair a tiny bit. I gently moved aside those few strands that were on his face, hoping it would help him.

'Mmm...' he mumbles in his sleep.
Shit. How did this wake him up? I barely even touched him. Not even him, his hair.

'Shhh, just sleep.' I shush him, smiling as I'm looking at him. Even though he's not the little boy I remember, there is still something boyish about him. The way he pouts his lips in his sleep.

He turned to his side, tapping around the bed until he caught my hand, then pulled it to his face, kissed it, and kept on sleeping.
For God's sake, I just calmed myself down, and now he does this. I can't even take my hand back as he's holding it. He always needs something to hold when he sleeps. Like a damn koala.

I lay there for hours, staring at the ceiling, unable to fall asleep. He did let my hand go about an hour after he got it so I could actually move. I only started feeling sleepy at around 3 in the morning, so I turned to my side, getting comfortable.

'Mmmm.. what time is it?' Jimin's voice scared me a bit. He has a really deep voice when he first wakes up.

'3. Go back to sleep.' I whisper

'Mhm.' He mumbles, hugging me. He was really close now, tight against my body. This is familiar. I think I can fall asleep now, with his arms around me. I can feel his breath tickling the back of my neck as he's breathing in and out. Kind of sends shivers down my spine. I shudder at the feeling, and his arms tighten around me.
This man.. even in his sleep, he's trying to protect me. He does set high standards for men, I'll give him that.
I better relax and try to sleep before I wake him up.

----- ----- -----

I woke up to the sound of giggling. Well, more like laughing.
I open my eyes and see Hoseok with his phone out, taking pictures of me sleeping. He scared the crap out of me. How did he even get in here?

'What are you doing, you creep?' I try to move, but I'm being held down by Jimin. Ah, I see. This is what he was taking pictures of. Jimin tightens his hold on me in his sleep. He must have felt me move. How in the world is he not waking up?

'Is this how you two sleep?' Hoseok is laughing, now loud enough to wake Jimin up
'Good morning, little bro.' Hoseok says to Jimin, still taking pictures.

'Can you just get lost?' Jimin can't even be bothered to speak loudly

'Hoseok, can you stop recording and get out of my room?' I ask, irritated

'He's recording?' Jimin shoots up, letting go of me. 'Seriously, what is wrong with you?' Jimin sits up, looking at Hoseok

'I couldn't help it. You two looked adorable.' He starts making kissing noises, then laughing again.'Can you kiss once? For the video.' He teases

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