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'This wasn't so bad today, was it?' Young asks as we are leaving the class

'Yeah, surprising didn't put me to sleep.' I say, and we laugh together

It's Friday, the last day off the week at uni. I haven't seen Young since the party either, I thought she was avoiding me because of Jimin rejecting her, but she seems fine.

'You got any plans for today?' Young asks me

'Not a one. Probably a movie night with Jimin.' I shrug

'Ah.. still so lucky.' She sighs, "Talking of..' she motions behind me. I turn and see Jimin coming, with Jungkoog right beside him

'Hello Jimin.' Young surprisingly greets him

He sighs, looking at her, 'You just don't give up, do you?'

'Relax. I got the message. I figured we might as well be friends if nothing else.' She smiles

'I'll be friends with you.' Jungkook walks over, hugging her around the shoulders

She looks him up and down and says, 'Not Jimin, but it'll work.'

'Wow. That's just cold.' Jungkook pretends to hold his heart

'Anyway, wanna watch?' Jimin grins at me

'Really?! Hell yeah!' I jump in my spot with Jimin hugging me tightly

'It's hip-hop day today. Figured you might wanna see something other than contemporary.' He says, letting me go

'I wanna see you guys dance!' Young complains

'Sure, I'll take you with me.' Jungkook smirks

Jimin rolls his eyes at her and takes my hand, 'Let's go.'

We walk into the auditorium again, sitting down in the corner. This time, the ballet bars were gone. I guess they clear everything out for each class. And this time, Young is with me. First time I'm not on my own.

'Did you have to bring her?' I hear someone talk to Jimin. I turn to see Ona complaining at Jimin. He is looking down at her, not really reacting.

'Sorry, I missed to see how that's any of your business.' Jimin brushes past her, bumping into her shoulder. She scoffs, looking after him, then looks straight at me. She then walks over, staring me down.

'Don't you get tired pining after him?' She crosses her arms, looking down at me

'Sorry, have I done something to you?' We met when her and Jimin started dating. She was nice. We were always okay. Never had a single issue. I don't get this.

'Do you even know why we broke up?' She scowls at me

Young is watching the entire thing unfold, not knowing what to say.

'Ona, that's enough. If you have a problem, come to me. She didn't do anything.' Jimin comes over, staring her down, clenching his jaw.

'Of course, always protect her. Why don't you tell her then?' She looks up at him, seemingly frustrated

'Tell me what, Jimin?' I look up at him

He smiles gently at me.'I'll tell you later. Promise.'

'Gather round!' The professor calls everyone over. Ona takes off running, with Jimin following behind, walking.
'Today we're dancing in pairs. Everyone. Pair up.' The professor says then calls Jimin. 'Jimin, you're with Ona.'

He threw his head back, inhaling, then exhaling, before walking over to Ona. It didn't seem like he wanted to do that.

I guess they were doing some pre learned choreo, which seemed very complicated. Also, a lot of holding each other. Looking at him dancing was still spectacular. Even in this genre, he's incredible. Really the ace. All I could do was sit and watch.
I didn't even pay attention to anyone else. She seemed to be all over him, but I guess that's just how it is. The finishing part of the dance was the two of them having their faces really close, noses touching. That's when the music stops.
Everyone was shocked when Ona got dropped on the floor by Jimin.

'What is wrong with you?' He spits out, wiping his mouth. She kissed him. Well, she tried I guess. She got him a bit, but he pushed her off, causing her to fall on her ass.

'Jimin, Ona, is everything alright there?' Professor sounds like she's scolding them

'Yes, it's all good. I'm sorry. I tripped.' Ona smirks at Jimin as she says it, then glares over at me. Why is she looking at me though? What a strange girl.

'That will be all for today. You're dismissed!'

Jimin gives Ona a death stare, then walks off into the changing room, seemingly pissed off. I'll have to ask him about it later.

'We've done a lot more than that in the past. He never seemed to mind.' Ona gloats, wiping the corner of her mouth, smirking as she passes me by

'Is she okay?' Young asks me

'Beats me. She has issues.' I shake my head. What is wrong with her?

'My only issue is you.' Ona says, pausing as she heard me and Young talk

'Please, enlighten me. Because I'm genuinely lost.' I tell her, standing up

She turns to look at me, then takes a step closer to me. 'The reason we broke up. It's you.' She glares

I look at her confused, 'I have no idea what you mean.' I tell her

'Of course he wouldn't tell you. He wouldn't want you feeling bad. Or guilty.' She chuckles sarcastically

'I don't speak in code Ona. Can you just talk normal?' I'm kind of tired of her being cryptic. Either say it or leave

'I thought I told you to leave her alone. I'm not gonna repeat myself again.' Jimin came back, changed into his normal clothes. His hair was sweaty though.

'Then tell her. Now.' She crossed her arms

'Tell me what?' I look between the two of them

'Tell her why we broke up.' She comes even closer, staring up into his eyes

He sighs heavily, looking at me. 'She wanted me to choose between you or her.' He then looks over at her. 'Obviously, I made the right choice.'

'Do you really love her that much that you would lose a girlfriend over her?' She asks

'Yes. I still don't see how that's any of your business. We're done and over with. Also, if you ever try this shit you pulled today, I might accidentally step on your foot. I'm sure you'll be able to dance with a broken one.' He smirks, and she gets pissed off, almost running away

'Are you okay?' He asks me as soon as she left

'Stop worrying about me. Is this why you didn't tell me before? Did you think I'd feel bad?' I ask him

'Yes. I know what you're like. But she's not worth losing my best friend over. She's crazy anyway.' He chuckles

'I would have done the same, so no need to feel bad.' I tell him,'And I love you too.' I hug him

'I'm surrounded by crazy women.' He laughs, hugging me back

'This whole thing was crazy. I think I'm giving up on you, Jimin. This is too much baggage.' Young tells him

'If I knew you'd give up, I'd have brought you earlier.' He chuckles, and she rolls her eyes

'Did I miss something?' Jungkook asks coming over, pulling his shirt down. You could clearly see his abs before he put it on

'Damn Jungkook, you're hot!' Young opens her mouth.'I've never seen Jimin without a shirt.' She jokes motioning to him to lift his shirt.

'Pfft, I don't get naked so easily.' Jimin chuckles

'Are you sure?' Jungkook jokes and lifts Jimin's shirt from behind him, revealing his entire torso.

What the fuck

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