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'Whatcha think Jimin?' I ask, opening the curtain so he can see it

He looks me up and down, looking kind of surprised.
'Yeah. Seems fine. Let's just get out of here.' He blushes a little

'You big baby.' I roll my eyes and go back into the room to change into my clothes. I need to hurry, he is way too uncomfortable.

'Let's go.' I pull him by the arm towards the register, and he breathes out. Must have really hated being in there. I bought the bikini and we left the store, heading to another one when I got stopped by someone.

'Hiya, Aera.' I turn towards the person that had their hand in my shoulder, just to be greeted with a beautful boxy smile

'Oh, Taehyung. What are you doing here?' I greet him back. He's a guy from my department. We've been good friends since I've started uni. He is one of those good looking guys girls want to be around. He does look like a model, just has one of those faces. And his curly hair kind of makes him look even more modelesque.

'Just shopping for some summer clothes. How about you?' He asks, still smiling

'Jimin and I are doing the same.' I motion to Jimin who's just standing next to me. The two of them don't know each other, apart from seeing each other in the hallways

'Oh, sorry. I'm Taheyung.' He offers his hand to Jimin

'Jimin, nice to meet you. Officially.' Jimin chuckles shaking his hand

'I guess you have a point, I've seen you around the campus.' Taheyung smiles and Jimin just nods at him

'So, Aera, you coming to uni on Monday?' Taehyung asks me again

What kind of a question is that, where else am I supposed to go?
'Yep.' I nod, smiling not sure what else to tell him

'See you in the class then.' He bows, then turns and leaves
I watch him leave, still confused about his bizarre behaviour, when Jimin starts laughing, hanging on my shoulder.

'What are you laughing about?' I ask him, not able to resist his infectious laugh so I chuckle along

'Aera, are you coming to uni on Monday?' He mimicks Taehyung's voice, then laughs again

'I thought it was weird as well.' I agree 'Let's just go find you some clothes.' I pull him along

It took him a while to compose himself, but he calmed down and we continued shopping. He found a few shirts that he didn't even bother trying on, just got them straight from the shelf to the register. Typical of him. I don't think I've ever seen him try anything on in the shop, he just does it once he's back home. Somehow he always gets the perfect size as well.

----- ----- -----

'Is that for me?' Someone grabs my bag and starts running around as Jimin and I approach my house.I look at the idiot, and of course, it's Hoseok.

'Hoseok, can you just give me my bag back?'

'Use the honorific and then you might get it back.' He grins
He is 2 years older, but I swear, it seems as if he's 10 younger. He's so childish.

'When you start acting your age, I'll use the honorific.' I tell him off

'Hoseok, just give her back the damn thing. Don't you have something better to do than lurk around anyway?' Jimin seems annoyed at him

'Of course you will protect your little girlfriend.' Hoseok chuckles, throwing a bag at me. This is just one of many reasons we don't hang out at Jimin's place. He's been mocking us since we were in preschool. You would think he would give up after all these years, but he's still at it.

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