Chapter 13

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Ethan handed Y/n the phone and Y/n looked at Donna, words leaving her.

"Are you okay? Uriaş didn't hurt you too much, did he?" Donna asked.

Y/n shook her head.

"I'm not sure. I-I don't really remember. It's all a blur. I know what I did, just don't remember doing it."

Donna let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm just glad that you are okay. I don't want to keep up your time. Find the fourth flask."

"Alright, see you later." Y/n said with a wave.

"See you soon."

Y/n ended the call. Y/n looked over at Ethan and made sure he was okay. After all, he did get stomped on. Ethan said he was perfectly fine. With that the two went through the only door that was down here. They entered a crystal path. Crystals were everywhere, it was such a pretty sight. The two continued through the crystal cove that lead to yet another flight of stairs. Once at the bottom the sound of static could be hear and the fourth flask was on the table.

Y/n picked up the torso flask and was instantly hit with a vision. Y/n saw Rose's little hand and the four lords looming over her. Y/n came back to reality feeling really uncomfortable. Y/n shook it off and walked next to Ethan as the T.V changed to show House Heisenberg's crest.

"You two are the real deal. Well done."

"Quit hiding, asshole. I'm not letting you get out of this." Ethan spat.

Heisenberg laughed.

"Cool your jets. Just a bit more and you're all wrapped up."

Y/n quietly scoffed. Heisenberg continued.

"I'll lend you a hand, so in exchange..."

"In exchange what?" Ethan interrupted.

"First of all, come to me. Put all the flasks in the Alter, and I'm sure you'll figure the rest out."

Y/n wondered what Heisenberg was trying to get at, what he wanted.

"See you two soon."

The T.V went back to normal.

"Goddammit." Ethan cursed.

"I wonder what he wants."

"Don't we all Y/n." Ethan said.

The two went down the set of stairs and found a small dock with a boat waiting.

"Ladies first." Ethan said with a dorky smile.

Y/n rolled her eyes and got in the boat. Ethan got in and started the engine and off they went down the water path. It wasn't very long till they found another dock and got off. The two went down another tunnel that lead to a ladder. There was another way to go however and it intrigued Y/n.

"You can come with me if you want or you can go ahead, but I want to see what's down here."

Ethan looked back at Y/n and nodded.

"I'll be with Duke, don't keep me waiting too long."

Y/n smiled and the two went their separate ways. Walking down the hall, Y/n noticed that this was a prison cell of sorts. Getting past the weird twist and turn at the beginning, Y/n saw a light in a little room and the end of the path.

There were papers on a desk that read,

Cadou Implantation Notes.
Subjects: 174-181

Subject 174: Mihai M

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