Chapter 8: Take a Ride

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Hagrid smiles, "Good man, Harry!".

Harry looks around and turns back to the Hippogriff, reluctantly approaching.

Hagrid nods, "That's it. Easy now...stop!". Harry stops in his place and Hagrid walks up next to him, "This here's Buckbeak, Harry. Yeh want ter let 'im make the fir' move. It's polite, see? Jus' take step forward, give 'im a bow, and if Buckbeak bows back, yeh're allowed ter touch him. Ready?".  

Harry nods, clearly unsure about the situation. He slowly steps forward and starts to bow. Buckbeak cocks his head, his eagle eyes studying Harry cannily. Harry waits...Hagrid waits...the students wait. And then...

Hermione pipes up, "Harry, move!".  

Harry steps back startled at her sudden outburst, when...Buckbeak ducks his beak.

Hagrid sighs, relieved, "Well done, Harry! Go on. Give 'im a pat".

Tentatively, Harry reaches out and lays his hand on Buckbeak's fierce beak. Most of the class claps, the Slytherins keeping to themselves. Harry smiles at his success.  

Hagrid laughs, "Look at that! I reckon he migh' let yeh ride 'im!".

Harry's smile drops, "Excuse me?".

"We'll jus' set yeh behind the wing joint. Mind yeh don' pull any feathers out. He won' like that".

Hagrid lifts him high, drops him onto Buckbeak's back, and before Harry's settled, slaps Buckbeak on the behind.

"Off yeh go!".  

As Buckbeak gallops forward, Harry slides scaly back, giant wings unfold, huge and powerful, and they soar into the sky. Gradually, Harry loosens his hold on Buckbeak's neck, losing himself in the joy of flying.

As they fly around, Lilith turns to Hermione, "Was the outburst really necessary?".

Hermione turns and scoffs, "Excuse me? Buckbeak was not responding to Harry's bow. I was just trying to protect my friend".

She laughs, "Clearly you need to brush up on your knowledge of creatures". She makes eye contact with Hermione, "When it comes to Hippogriffs, eye contact must always be maintained. Breaking it while trying to make a connection can be extremely disrespectful. Honestly, with friends like yours, you'd think you'd know something about patience".  

The Slytherins all laugh, making Hermione feel slightly embarrassed. Before she could retaliate, Hagrid whistles and Buckbeak wheels, beating his way back to the paddock and galloping to a halt. As Harry slides off, the class cheers.

Hagrid laughs, "Good work, Harry".

Harry smiles, "All thanks to you...Professor".  

Draco pushes past the crowd, "Give me a go at that thing. If Potter can do it, it must be easy".

Lilith speed walks over and grabs his arm, "Draco! That's not safe".

"Lia, I'll be fine. It's not going to-".  

In a flash, Buckbeak's steely talon slashes down at the pair. Lilith cries out in pain and falls on the ground, clutching her leg, causing Draco to freeze. Harry notices Buckbeak shrieking and whipping around. He steps in between Buckbeak and the two Slytherins, calming him down as Draco bends down and tries to comfort Lilith.

Draco leans Lilith back on him, "Lia, are you ok?".

She pants, "I...I'm's leg".  

Draco looks down to see a deep gash on her left thigh, bleeding onto the ground. Blaise runs over with a piece of cloth in his hand. He wraps it around her leg in a makeshift bandage.

She smiles, "Thanks Blaise".

Hermione walks up, "Hagrid. She's got to be taken to a hospital. I'll go with you, if you like-".

Draco glares at her, "You will go nowhere near her".

Hagrid shakes his head, "No. I'm the teacher. You all...class dismissed".

Draco carefully lifts Lilith in a bridal carry, following Hagrid back into the castle.  

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