Chapter 32: Worried Sick

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Lilith assists her father into his chambers. They had passed a very worried Draco sitting in the common room. Lilith promised she would explain everything once Severus was settled in his room. 

 They enter the room and Lilith leads Severus over to the couch, "Do you need me to get you anything?".

He shakes his head, "I'll be fine, baby. You better go back to Draco before he destroys the common room". 

 She laughs and kisses his cheek, walking out and closing the door behind her. She walks up the stairs and into the common room, noticing Draco sitting on one of the couches, hunched over with his head in his hands and slight laboured breathing.

She walks over slowly, "Draco? You ok?".

He sighs, "Do you have any idea how worried I've been when you didn't come back?".

She sits next to him, legs up on the couch, "I'm really sorry, Dray. I...I should have told you where I was going". 

 He looks up and turns to her, "It's alright, I'm sure you had a good reason".

She smiles, "It's a long story...".

She goes on to explain to Draco the events of that night. The entire time he does not interrupt her, listening intently. By the time she was done, Draco's body was fully turned to face her, both of them with their legs up and leaning on the back of the couch.

Draco shakes his head, "So Black is actually innocent?".

Lilith shrugs her shoulders, "Apparently so. Pettigrew revealed the location of the Potters and was the reason they were killed".

"That's insane. What kind of person would betray their best friends, knowing the fate that will become of them?". 

 She laughs, "And they call Slytherins evil. Anyway, he's being taken care of now so hopefully this means the Dementors can give us some peace".

"Has your grandfather talked to them?".

She nods, "He managed to talk to the ones at Azkaban since that's where they came from and...apparently Dumbledore came to them after Black escaped and told them he would be roaming the castle grounds. They swore they had no idea we were here and would, under no circumstances, enter the castle anyway".

He nods, "I guess that makes sense. But, still, why would follow his order?".

She thinks, "They wouldn't waste valuable resources on Dumbledore so they would have to have sent the less powerful Dementors since they were really only being used for surveillance. They would have gotten conflicting orders from two very powerful forces and not known where to place their loyalty. It's not like they were born knowing their place". 

 Not getting a response, she looked to Draco who was staring off into space. He had a smile on his face and a loving look in his eyes.

She cocks her head, "What?".

He smiles wider, "You just...continue to amaze me. You truly are the smartest witch I have ever met in my entire life".

She turns her head to hide her blush. Ever since they were little, Draco's always had a look of admiration towards her. It's not something she deems strange as it's basically normal at this point. 

 To distract herself, she casts tempus, noticing how late it was, "We should probably head to bed before you pass out on the stairs".

As she stands, Draco looks offended, "It happened one time and, to be fair, I was bloody two years old. We weren't even friends yet".

She smirks as she stops at the stairwell, "Well, sucks for you that I'm close with my godparents".  


A/N :

Hello, hello.

I apologise for the late updates, I've been really sick with the flu or something; perks of being a child care teacher, you always get sick.

Anyway, I have a question. I am currently mapping out my plan of events I want to happen in the upcoming years. I already have some ideas such as Lilith and Draco getting together (finally) just before the Yule Ball, a certain professor finding someone special and a long-awaited apperance.

My question is, is there anything in particular you guys want to see? Whether it be canon events or not, I would love your input so I know how to structure and build up to those parts of the story. 

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