Chapter 33: Harry's Gift

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The next morning, Lilith, Draco and Blaise walk towards the Great Hall for breakfast. As they get closer they hear an excited commotion coming from the room. Looking at each other in confusion, Lilith quickens her step and walks inside.  

As the boys catch up, they all notice a group of Gryffindors surrounding the middle of the table.

They hear Ron shouting, "Stand back, I said! I'll take it upstairs if you don't settle!".

The three stare at the group in confusion. Neville notices them and runs over in excitement.

Blaise asks, "Um, darling, what's...what's going on here?"  

Neville grabs his arm, "It's incredible, you have to come see for yourself".

Before he could protest, Neville pulled him into the Great Hall and towards the group at the table. Lilith and Draco snicker when Harry walks up next to them.

He turns to her, "Should I ask?".

She shrugs, "I guess we're gonna find out together".  

They all walk in and stand next to Blaise, whose arm is still being held hostage by Neville. It was obvious that the Gryffindors were a little weary around him being there. Lilith smirked at the obvious jealousy that some of the girls had towards the couple.  

Harry joins the group and Neville jumps in his spot, "Harry! Wherever did you get it?".

Blaise whispers, "Darling, calm down, you're going to rip my arm off".

Seamus stands, "Can I have a go, Harry? After you, of course-".  

Ron interjects, "Quiet!". They all quiet down, "Thank you. Let the man through".  

Confused, Harry walks closer to the table to see an open package. Sitting on top of the crumpled paper was a broomstick with a label attached saying Firebolt.

Harry asks, "Whose is that?".

Everyone laughs as Ron smirks, "Whose is it? It's yours mate".  

Harry looks shocked, "".

Hermione responds, "It's a mystery. Though...this fell out of the wrapping".  

She hands him a large white feather. The two share a look, which confuses those around them. Lilith and Draco stay back as they try to take in what was happening. Neville continues to hold onto his boyfriend excitedly.  

Lilith walks up, "Congrats, Harry. A mighty fine broomstick for a talented Seeker. An expensive one as well". She notices Hermione holding her head in pain and smirks, "You alright there, Granger?".

Hermione glares, "I'm fine".  

Draco turns to Harry, "My father has been trying to get me one for years, how the hell were you able to get-".

Lilith interrupts, "Draco, se comporter" (Draco, behave). She turns to him, "Gardez-le pour vous. Nous pourrons en discuter plus tard" (Keep it to yourself. We can discuss it later).  

He sighs and nods as everyone looks at her in slight shock. Not only at her speaking French and Draco understanding it, but also at how quickly he reigned himself in. Some of the Purebloods smirked as they understood what she said.

Neville smiles, "I forget that you guys speak French sometimes".

Lilith smirks, "Dovresti sentire come il tuo ragazzo parla di te in italiano" (You should hear how your boyfriend talks about you in Italian).  

Blaise glares and swings his free arm at her, Lilith dodging and laughing. Neville wonders what she said but he's sure he can get it out of his boyfriend later.  

Harry smiles at the three friends bantering. Ever since he and Lilith became friendly, he's been seeing them, and Slytherins in general, differently. There are so many things that Ron and Hermione have told him about Slytherin purebloods that he now knows are just simply not true. He sees how happy Neville is with them a way...wants that as well.  

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