Chapter 19: Dementors on the Field

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Lilith, Draco, Neville and Blaise are sitting together in the library, Neville helping them study for Herbology. They were aware of an intense Quidditch game happening between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, but neither of them had any interest in going so they opted to stay inside the castle.  

Blaise turns to the Gryffindor boy, "You know, if you wanted to go watch the game we wouldn't mind".

He smiles, "Don't be ridiculous, Blaise, I love being with you guys. Plus let's be honest, you were basically failing this class before you met me".

Lilith and Draco snicker while Blaise looks offended, "I was not that bad".

Draco laughs, "I can attest you were awful to the point that Lia almost gave up on you".  

They laugh together as Blaise leans his head on the table, hiding his blush. They get interrupted by the library opening and the sound of someone running towards them. Looking towards the sound, Neville pipes up, seemingly knowing who it was.  

He stands, "Seamus, is everything ok?".

The Irish boy shakes his head, "Harry's been hurt. He's in the infirmary".

"Is he ok?".

"I don't know. He fell from his broom during the game. We need to go".

Blaise jumps up, "We're coming with you".  

Seamus leads the way, not wanting to argue about their presence. The group ran through the halls towards the Hospital Wing. Seamus opens the door and they run towards a small group crowding around one of the beds.  

The Weasley twins look up at the sound of the door, "Lilith".

Hermione turns and scowls, "What are you doing here?".

Lilith glares at her, "We came for Neville, calm down". She turns to the twins, "What happened?".

Fred sighs, "He fell fifty feet off his broom". George continues, "Straight out of the sky".  

A groan can be heard from the bed. They all turn to see Harry moving around and slowly opening his eyes. As he focuses his surroundings, his eyes widen slightly at the three Slytherins at the foot of his bed.

Hermione rushes to his side, "Harry! How're you feeling?".

He slowly sits up, "Brilliant".

Fred lightly hits his back, "Gave us a right good scare, mate".  

"What happened?".

Lilith crosses her arms, "What's the last thing you remember, Potter?".  

He thinks back, "I remember...dementors". Lilith and Draco turn to each other as he continues, "There were dementors in the clouds when I was chasing the snitch. I fell off my broom and then...nothing".

Hermione sighs, "The Dementors aren't meant to come on the grounds. Dumbledore was furious. After he saved you, he sent them straight off".  

Draco whispers to Lilith, "We really need to talk to your grandfather about them".

She nods as Ron walks up to his best friend, "There's something else you should know, Harry. Your Nimbus...when it blew sort of landed in the Whomping Willow. And well...".

He leans down and grabs a bag. He tips it onto the bed and out falls pieces of splinted wood and twisted twigs.

Harry sighs, "Of course".  

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