Chapter 31: Black v Pettigrew

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Peter attempts to make a break for the door, only to be stopped by Sirius shoving him back. Peter turns to Harry, who notices his missing index finger.

He smiles nervously, "Harry! Look at you! Y-you look just like your father. Like James. We were the best of friends, he and I-".  

Sirius shouts, "Shut up!".

"I didn't mean to! The Dark Lord, you have no idea the weapons he possesses". Lilith and Severus give each other a look, "Ask yourself what you would have done, Sirius. What would you have done?!".

"Died! Died rather than betray my friends! And you should have realised, Peter, if Voldermort didn't kill you...".  

Remus glares, "We would".

Peter starts to back away, " can't". His eyes darted around the room, "Ron! Haven't I been a good friend? A good pet? You won't let them kill me, will you? I was your rat...". Ron looks at him in disgust, so he turns to Hermione, "Sweet girl. Clever girl. Surely you won't let them...". 

Sirius and Remus raise their wands, pointing them directly at Peter's face. He trembles, closing his eyes in fear and ready to accept his fate...

Harry shouts, "No!".

Remus turns in shock, "Harry, this man-".

"I know what he is. But we'll take him to the castle".

Peter grabs his arm, "Bless you, boy. Bless you-".

Harry shakes him off, "Get off me! I said we'd take you to the castle". He smirks, "After that, the Dementors can have you".

Hermione sighs, "Harry, don't you think that's a bit extreme? Let's just get him to Dumbledore".

Lilith growls, "You want to talk about extreme reactions, Granger?!".  

She turns abruptly, "The little cockroach deserved it!".

Lilith stands in anger, "Call him that again, I dare you!".

Severus yells, "That's enough!".  

He slowly stands, leaning on the wall. Lilith wraps his arm around her shoulder, with her holding his torso.

He sighs, "I will be taking my daughter and leaving this place. Do whatever you want with the buffoon but keep Lilith out of it".  

They exit back through the tree trunk. Lilith helps her father sit against a nearby rock, Severus hissing in pain.  

She asks worryingly, "Are you ok, daddy?".

He sighs, "I'll be fine, baby. The real question is...". He sits up a little, "...what in Merlin were you doing in The Shrieking Shack this late at night? Do you understand how scared I was when you showed up?".  

She frowns, "I'm really sorry, daddy. No one could find you anywhere. I saw you heading somewhere and...something inside me told me to follow you".

"So you followed me down into the Whomping Willow and into The Shrieking Shack, where both me and your godparents told you to stay away from?".

She sighs, "I know you did. But in my defence, it's not like I knew where the path led".

He shakes his head, "You resemble your uncle more than I wish to admit. Damn Black genes have infected you".  

Lilith giggles, "Clearly you hit your head harder than we thought". She grabs his arm, "Let's get you to bed, daddy".

He smirks, "Calm down, Lil, I'm not ninety".  

Voldermort's Grand-Daughter: Fates' WagerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora