Chapter 34: Welcome Home Uncle...

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The students are now heading home on the Hogwarts Express for the end of their Third Year. Lilith was looking forward to seeing her grandfather in person after so long. She had heard that Diablo and Midnight, her pet Basilisk and black cat, had grown quite a bit since she's been gone.  

On the train, Lilith was reading one of Salazar's journals, translating it into another notebook she had. Draco was reading a book on healing potions while Blaise was sleeping against his boyfriend on the other side of the compartment. Their friends were in the compartment across from them.  

Neville smiles, "You excited to be back home, Lilith?".

She looks up and nods, "I haven't seen my grandfather in so long. He said he had a surprise for me waiting at home".

He laughs, "Another pet?".  

She shakes her head, "I doubt it. A snake and a cat? Trust me, they're plenty of work already for him". She changes the subject, "How are you two going?".

He blushes, "Everything's perfect. He practically treats me like royalty and spoils the hell out of me. We never fight and he supports everything I want to do".  

Lilith smiles, "You guys are so cute together".

He whispers to himself, "You'll have your turn soon".  

They get to Kings Cross Station, Blaise not being pleased about having to be woken up by his boyfriend. Lilith smiles as she steps out and sees her godparents. She says bye to her friends and follows Draco over to his parents.  

Narcissa gives them both a big hug, "I'm so glad to see you both". She leans back and smiles at Lilith, "Lia, sweetheart, your father is waiting for you at home. He wanted to help prepare your special surprise".

She looks up innocently, "Are you allowed to tell me what the surprise is, Aunty?".

Lucius laughs, "Don't try that, Lil. You're not a toddler, that won't work anymore".

She pouts and turns to Draco, "Your parents are no fun".  

Draco laughs and the four of them apparate to Malfoy Manor, where they were going to be staying over the break. They arrive in the foyer of the house and see Tom standing in the middle of the room with Severus slightly behind him.  

Lilith runs over, "Grandpa!".

Tom catches her in his arms, "So happy you're finally home, sweetheart".

She feels something soft against her legs. She looks down and sees a large black cat wrapping itself around her ankles.  

She smiles and kneels down to pet the cat, "Midnight, my baby, I've missed you. Have you been good for grandpa?".

Tom rolls his eyes as Midnight purrs, answering her question.  

She hears a hiss from behind her, "Welcome home, hatchling".

Lilith turns to see Diablo slithering towards her, now the same size as Nagini. She reaches her arm out, Diablo wrapping around her shoulders and settling around her torso, flicking her tongue out to give Lilith a kiss on the cheek.  

Lilith smiles, "Merlin, you've gotten so big. You almost look exactly like Nagini".

Diablo hisses, "It makes pranking him very fun".

She laughs as Tom scoffs, "Yeah, real fun for me". He turns to Lilith, "Now, are you ready for your surprise, sweetheart?".

She stands and nods excitedly, "Absolutely".

Tom and Severus step aside to reveal someone standing in the shadows. Not able to recognise them at first, Lilith gives a look of confusion. As they step into the light, she gasps and covers her mouth as she immediately recognises who it was.

A man who looked to be in his early thirties with shaggy straw coloured hair and pale skin smiles at her. His face had a constant look of tiredness and wore loose clothing. Diablo and Midnight step back from her to give her space to move. The man opens his arms as tears line his eyes.

She runs into his waiting arms shouting, "Uncle Barty!".  

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