Chapter 21: Snow Day In

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It was a couple days after their talk in the astronomy tower. Snow was falling around the castle and many students were definitely taking advantage of it, Lilith was not one of those people. Draco can tell you from experience that she hates the cold, especially snow.  

She, instead, was spending her time inside the Slytherin common room tutoring some of the first years in their potions work. Crabbe and Goyle were sitting next to them in front of the fireplace.

Lilith hands the girl she's helping a book, "Here, this should help you guys. It's all my notes from first year potions. I had to make some modifications to the recipes since they were completely out of date".

She smiles and goes through the book, "And Professor Snape won't notice?".  

Lilith shakes her head, "My father won't mind as long as you get the correct result, Chiara. He did the same thing when he was younger. Plus, he knows I'm helping my baby snakes".

She nods, "Speaking of, can I ask you something?".

"Of course".

Chiara sighs, "Well, a few of us overheard some of the Gryffindors saying some really awful things about us in the hall. One of my friends even said that he got hexed by some older students".  

Lilith was seething, "What? Are they ok?".

She nods, "He's fine he's scared to walk the halls alone and gets skittish whenever a Gryffindor goes near him. I was wondering if there was anything you could do to help him?".

"Do you know the name of the people who hexed him?". Chiara nods and Lilith turns to Crabbe and Goyle, "Boys".  

They turn to face her and she gestures her head, telling them to come over. They immediately stand and walk over to the girls.

Lilith turns back to Chiara, "What are their names?".

She turns to the boys, "Dominic Mullen, Aimee Wood and Jacob Beltran".

Lilith nods, "Take care of it".

They nod and make their way out of the common room.

Chiara smiles, "Thank you so much, Lilith".

She grabs her hand, "Hey. No one messes with my baby snakes and gets away with it. Like the Prefects told you at the start, if anything or anyone causes you trouble, you go straight to us and we'll take care of it".  

They continue to study the Herbicide Potion when a door opens from the other side of the room. They look up to see Severus walking out of his office.

Lilith smiles, "Hey daddy".

He walks over to the two girls and bows his head at Chiara, "Miss Chilton". He turns to Lilith, "I thought you were going to Hogsmeade with Draco and the others".

She squints at her father, "In the snow? Are you insane?".

Severus laughs, "You really are my daughter. I saw the boys leave in a hurry, everything ok?".

She nods, "Yeah, Chiara was telling me that some older students were giving my snakes trouble so I sent them to deal with it".  

He sighs, "Of course. By the way...". He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small package, "This was sent to my room but it's addressed to you".

She takes it, "What is it?".

He shrugs, "Not really sure. I already scanned it so it's safe".

She smiles, "Thanks, daddy".  

Voldermort's Grand-Daughter: Fates' WagerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora