chapter five: reluctant revelations

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reluctant revelations

After recounting my story to Henrik on the way to the hotel, I promptly fell asleep with my head against the car window. When I awoke some time later, I found myself lying on a firm mattress with a soft blanket covering me. I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes before taking in the room.

My eyes widened at the level of luxury this room alone had. The bed was huge and could have easily fit four fully grown humans. The patterned carpet was beautiful and spoke of great wealth and the windows were huge and we're framed by the softest curtains I'd ever seen. If this was Elijah's hotel, then he must be an insanely rich man.

Although it was beautiful, I admit that it made me feel rather uncomfortable. I was used to cheap motels so I was officially out of my comfort zone.

The door to the room was ajar and through it came the faint sound of an argument. I crept over the the door and peered through the crack and saw Henrik and Elijah in what seemed to be a heated yet quiet disagreement. I nearly chuckled at that. Despite their current animosity towards each other, they didn't want to wake me.

I strained my ears and held my breath, trying to catch what they saying.

"We cannot allow him to find her!" Elijah whisper-yelled from where he lent against the mantle piece.

"You forget that he's my brother too! He'd never hurt her, I'm certain of it." Henrik shot back quietly.

"That may be so but he's changed tremendously in the millennia that you have been gone." Elijah replied in that calm manor of his and yet his eyes shone with violence.

"It would be cruel to keep her from her mates." My best friend argued and I frowned. My most prominent emotion over the past 24 hours had been confusion and my eavesdropping only lead to more questions.

"If he finds her, he will take her away from us and I cannot allow that." The elder Mikaelson exclaimed as he walked to the fancy settee and taking a seat, his hands resting on the top of it.

"What about the others? Are you certain there is no getting them back?" Henrik asked, taking a seat beside him.

"He dropped them in the ocean, there is no getting them back." He said mournfully, "She'll be devastated."

"Morgana doesn't even know what's happening!" Henrik hissed, "I've only just told her about the supernatural world, she's not going to understand the pain of loosing ones mates."

"Well at least she has us." Elijah said simply but his eyes spoke of great sadness, "Why did you take so long to tell her about our world?"

"I wanted to protect her."

"Well that is incredibly foolish, brother." The vampire scolded, "How would she remain safe if she didn't know she was in danger? She is the mate to the Original Vampires and that means that all of our enemies automatically become her enemies."

"I would have protected her! And besides, I didn't even know you were alive, or that vampires existed, until about five hours ago!" Henrik shot back.

"And it's that ignorence that could get her killed." Elijah said, concluding the argument, "Now, I will make arrangements for you both to go to a house of mine in Spain. It will be heavily warded and you will be safe there whilst I conclude my business in Mystic Falls."

I blinked in shock at that. My heart fluttered at his protective manor and yet my mind raged at his audacity. I'd only just met him and yet he was trying to control my life. There was also the issue of me fearing him after witnessing him behead my kidnapper.

"Morgana would hate Spain!" Henrik spat, "She hates hot temperatures but of course you wouldn't know that because you've only just met her!"

"That may be so but she is my mate and I will do what I must to ensure her safety." Elijah said decisively.

"She's my mate too." Henrik growled and I was instantly taken aback. I'd never once heard him use that tone.

"Really?" Elijah said sardonically before continuing tauntingly, "I wouldn't have guessed that based on her shock earlier. Why had you not told her? It's obvious that you're in love with her! Or perhaps you haven't told her because you know she doesn't return those feelings?"

Henrik snarled and made a move to punch him but before his first could connect, Elijah grabbed him by the throat and sped them towards the wall, pushing him against it.

"We have been through a lot of shit." Henrik defensively, "Neither of us have been in a position to start a romantic relationship."

I moved in an attemp to see them better through the crack of the door but froze when the floorboard squeaked. I cursed under my breath as Elijah's eyes flew to mine and he instantly released Henrik.

"It seems our mate is quiet the little eavesdropper." Elijah mused to his brother with a subtle smirk as he straightened his suit.

Seeing as I'd just been caught, I let the door swing open and I stood in the threshold nervously as my two mates watched me.

"You both have some serious explaining to do."

Originally published: December 27th 2022

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