chapter seven: miracles

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Turns out, the room I'd ran into to escape the overwhelming emotions was the kitchen. At least some things worked out in my favour. I also marvelled at the fact that this hotel suite had a fully stocked kitchen. Was this normal for a hotel or was I just used to cheap motels?

I quickly made a ham sandwich, not bothering to add any butter or sause. It would be extremely dry but I was starving and didn't want to wait a second longer to eat. I stuffed a sandwich into my mouth and couldn't stop the moan that escaped me. Unfortunately, that was the exact moment Elijah decided to walk in.

Fuck sake.

"It's been a while since I've eaten." I justified sheepishly and instantly regreted it since my mouth was still full of bread and ham.

Elijah frowned and for a second I panicked, thinking I'd done something wrong. Did he think I had no manners? Or perhaps he found it rude that I'd helped myself to food?

I quickly swallowed and opened my mouth to apologise when Elijah spoke, "How long has it been since to last ate?"

I pondered his question for a moment before coming to the realisation that I had no idea what day it was.

"What day is it?" I asked.


I'd been kidnapped by Trevor on Monday evening and I'd been rescued on Tuesday afternoon, which meant I'd slept for maybe 24 hours. I hadn't eaten anything since Monday morning, when Henrik and I had stopped at a cute diner and I had a muffin.

"I last ate Monday morning." I told Elijah, who audibly clenched his teeth and scowled at the news. Yikes.

After composing himself he sent me a smile an said, "My apologies, If I'd have known how long it had been, I would have had something prepared for when you awoke."

"It's fine, I wouldn't want to be a bother." I responded shyly, ducking my head.

"You are my mate, it is my duty to make sure you are fed." Elijah said sternly and a blush instantly heated my cheeks. I seriously needed to learn how to stop blushing every time someone mentioned the the word mate.

"Where's Henrik?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I believe he went for a run." Elijah said casually as he opened a cupboard and pulling out a bottle of red wine. Henrik only ever went on runs to relieve stress. I felt a huge amount of guilt for being the reason he was stressed in the first place.

Having finished my sandwich, I stood, immediately regret seeing as it made me realise just how tall Elijah was in comparison to me. I looked up at him through my eyelashes, watching as he placed two wineglasses on the countertop.

"Do you like red wine?" He asked as he poured a glass for himself.

"I'm not sure, I've never had it before." I answered honestly.

"What do you usually drink then?" He inquired.

"Tea, mostly." I shrugged.

"How very British of you." Elijah responded with a lazy smirk, "Would you like some wine?"

"Sure!" I agreed, not wanting to offend my host.

Elijah narrowed his eyes at me, "Are you sure? I won't be offended if not."

My face flushed at how well he could read me and nodded. Elijah looked amused as he poured another glass and handed it to me. I took a careful sip, finding I actually didn't mind the taste.

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