chapter eight: escaping problems

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escaping problems

I retreated to my room after I finished speaking to Elijah and Henrik. On the floor, I found my backpack, which Henrik must have brought from the car whilst I'd been asleep. My mind felt exhausted and yet my body was full of energy, causing me to pace around the room.

I felt at odds with my heart, which yearned for my other mates. I knew that pining after people I've never met or even knew about before recently was not logical, however the knowledge that they were forever lost to me made me want to break down crying.

I made my way into the adjoining bathroom, ridding myself of the clothes I had been wearing for days before turning the shower on. I didn't dare look in the mirror, knowing that the image staring back at me would not be a pleasant one.

I sat down under the shower, the water cascading down my back as my head rested on my knees. Finally I let the tears flow and they just couldn't seem to stop. Everything that had happened in the past few days had caught up to me and I felt exhausted.

But as I sat there, my mind wandering from one tragedy to the next that were beyond my control, I realized that there was something that I could control. My breathing evened out and my tears slowed as the logical side of my brain kicked in. Whilst three of my mates were buried at sea in eternal unconsciousness and one other was dead, I had another mate that I was yet to meet that was alive and well. Klaus.

According to Elijah, Klaus was a cruel and callous man, proven by what he'd done to his siblings, I couldn't help but shake the feeling that there was still some good left in him. From what Henrik had told me about the caring young man he'd been, I didn't think it possible for all of that to just disappear.

But regardless of what kind of man he was, he must know the location of where my other mates are buried. Surely he'd tell me? Maybe I could reconnect all of the Mikaelsons, with the exception of Freya, who would be forever lost to me. At the thought of that, the tears restarted tenfold.

I jumped upon hearing the bathroom door open and my head jerked upwards in the direction on the door. Through the foggy glass that surrounded me, I saw a blurry silhouette of a man. My heart pounded with panic, all other worries completely forgotten. I slowly relaxed when the man spoke and I realised it was just Henrik.

"Mor, are you alright? I was knocking on the door but you didn't answer." Henrik asked softly and I bit my lip to hold back a sob.

Clearing my throat, I answered in a voice I hoped sounded like I hadn't just been crying, "Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts I must not have heard."

Henrik paused before saying, "You've been in the shower for over and hour, are you okay?"

"Everything is great!" I said, unable to stop the way my voice cracked.

The door to the shower flung open, startling me slightly. Henrik's worried gaze scanned my face, noting my eyes, which were red and puffy from crying.

"Shit, of course you're not okay." He murmured and coming to some sort of decision, he climbed into the shower fully clothed, closing the door behind him.

"You'll get wet!" I protested, looking up at him from where I still sat on the floor.

"I'm aware of how a shower works, precious." Henrik teased a I let out a small laugh that quickly turned into a sob.

I ducked my head, resting it on my knees. Henrik crouched down and tilted my chin up so I would look at him.

"What can I do to help?" He asked and I shook my head, not knowing the answer, "Okay, well let's get out of the shower or else Elijah's water bill is going to get very expensive."

I let out a huff, "It's a hotel. I'm pretty sure they don't charge you for how much water you use."

"No they don't but technically Elijah owns this hotel so..." Henrik informed me as he helped me stand. My mouth gaped open at the revelation and I felt a twinge of guilt but that was a conversation for another time.

Henrik held my hand as he helped my step out of the shower. I was fully naked but I couldn't find it in me to care. After all, it wasn't the first time he'd seen me naked. Living in close quarters together for over a decade had resulted in plenty accidental flashing.

He handed my a towel, he gaze not traveling below my face, which almost made me feel offended but I knew he was only being a gentleman.

"Thank you," I murmured as I wrapped it around me, "Henrik?"

"Yes, my love?" He replied, watching me intensly as we stood in the middle of the steamy bathroom together.

"I want to find Klaus." I said quietly.

Henrik froze and I could practically hear his teath clenching.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Morgana." He said stiffly, "Elijah said-"

"I don't care what Elijah said! I've haven't even known him for a week. There are two sides to every story, Henrik, you of all people should know this." I interupted him.

"He dropped my siblings, your mates, in the ocean! I can't exactly see how that story could get twisted!" Henrik's concerned face was replaced with one of frustration.

"I don't know! Maybe Elijah embellished the story a little, he clearly has a grudge against Klaus!" I argued, not entirely believing my own words.

"Are you saying he lied?" Henrik asked.

"No." I whispered, feeling tears well up again.

"What what are you saying Morgana?" He asked loudly, taking a step towards me and I couldn't stop myself from flinching.

Henrik didn't miss the small movement and his eyes flared with guilt and concern, "Shit, I'm so sorry."

"No, I'm sorry, I know you'd never hurt me." I said, avoiding his gaze.

"You never have to apologise, especially not about that." Henrik said softly, slowly approaching me and wrapping me up in his arms. He remained silent for a moment before saying, "I'll speak with Elijah maybe there's a compromise."

"Thank you." I said, burying my face in his neck.

"I will always love and protect you, Mor." He'd first said those exact words to me three years ago and repeated them often. I was only now that I knew his words weren't platonic.

"I love you too."

Guess how many chapters there are until we see Klaus!

Originally published: March 12th 2023

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