chapter twenty five: depression

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"How has she been?"

My ears pricked as I heard Elijah's voice for the first time in days. I vaguely recalled Henrik telling me that he was remaining with Klaus whilst he was in his wolf form. I didn't know how many days had passed, having spent them all hiding from the world.

"She's practically been in bed for three days," I heard Henrik reply with a helpless sigh, "What happened really shook her up."

"Has she said anything about it?" Elijah asked.

"Not a word." Henrik said and I could picture the crease between his brows as he frowned, "What of Damon?"

"Dead." Klaus answered and my eyes flew open, my interest sparked.

"You killed him?" Henrik remarked, "I thought that you would drag out the torture for at least a week."

"Trust me, he suffered." Klaus insisted and I could practically hear the way his jaw must have been clenching, "He was bitten by a werewolf. His brother paid me a visit, requesting the cure. I was more than happy to decline."

"Can we expect retaliation from Stefan Salvatore?" Henrik asked and I felt a pang of worry in my chest, "We practically killed his girlfriend and his brother in less than a week."

"Don't worry, I can handle Stefan." Klaus assured him, "What are we going to do about Morgana?"

At the sound of my name, I pulled the covers over my head and buried my head in the pillow.

"You aren't going to do anything about Morgana." Henrik said tersely, "You barely know her. You know nothing about her."

"She's my mate too." Klaus seethed.

"Well then, you should have thought about that before you left her high and dry." Henrik replied matter-of-factly.

"Unless you want to experience death for a second time, I suggest that you don't tell me what I can and can't do with my mate." Klaus spat. Not liking where any of this was heading, I made the reluctant decision to stop them before things got out of hand.

"Can you please shut the fuck up?" I shouted, causing silence to fall upon the room, "Some of us were trying to sleep."

Stumbling out of bed, wincing when I managed to stub my toe twice, I pulled open the bedroom door and appeared in the threshold. I must have looked an absolute mess with my extreme bed head and Henrik's shirt but I couldn't find it in myself to care as I scowled at my mates.

"Morgana-" Elijah began, taking a step towards me but I held up a hand to stop him.

"I wouldn't come any closer if I were you." I warned him, "I cannot seem to recall the last time I showered."

"I helped you shower yesterday, sweetheart." Henrik said delicately and he came to stand at my side.

"Huh, it seems like more time has passed." I mused, aware that all three of them were watching me intently.

"I apologise for not being in contact sooner, Morgana." Klaus said with an awkward smile, "I don't have yours or Henrik's numbers. I messaged Elijah but I have since been informed that he wasn't able to pass on the message. I wanted to break the curse before I saw you again so you could get to know me as my true self."

I narrowed my eyes at him for a moment, digesting his words. My trust issues blared to life at the excuse but I pushed them down, knowing that it was valid and that deep down, Klaus meant well.

"I forgive you," I said, "But if you ever threaten to kill Henrik again, I will castrate you."

He visibly winced before the side of his lip tilted upwards in a smirk, "I wouldn't recommend that, love, you wouldn't know what you were missing out on."

"Last time I checked, I have other mates who can satisfy me," I said with a bright smile, "Speaking of my other mates, when are we freeing them from their coffins?"

Klaus' smirk fell, "About that, love, I don't think it's a good idea to remove the daggers at the moment."

I crossed my arms, "Is that so?"

"I want to first create some hybrids, then we raise my siblings." Klaus bargained and I raised my eyebrows in disbelief.

"Wow, does your evil scheming ever end?" I deadpanned, "Has anyone told you that you're a bit of an asshole?"

Klaus let out an exasperated sigh, "Look, Morgana, I'm creating hybrids to protect you. The last thing I need is my idiotic siblings messing everything up."

Tears welled in my eyes. I could never argue without crying.

"Fuck this, I'm going back to bed." I mumbled, walking back into my room and slamming the door behind me.


I woke hours later when a soft knock sounded against the door. I remained silent, staring into space as the door creaked open and Henrik appeared, closing it gently behind him. He sat at the edge of the bed and gently began stroking my hair. It was something he used to do all the time during some of my more depressive episodes in the past. I'd made it clear that his words could rarely comfort me so he had developed this method instead.

"Please fight it, Mor," Henrik said quietly, "Don't let it drag you down further, not when you've been doing so well."

"Is it bad that I want it to drag me down?" I murmured after a moment, "I'm so tired of fighting, it's so much easier to give in."

"It may be easier, Mor," Henrik replied as he continued his strokes through my hair, "But if you let it win you get nothing. If you fight you will get everything."

"Don't paraphrase, Henrik." I weakly chastised him, "I've heard it all before."

"But things are different now, it's not just me and you anymore, it me, you and five other people who will love and cherish you. I think that is worth fighting for." Henrik said softly before adding, "Plus, they've got a bunch of money so we can spend our days living in luxurious mansions and eating food we can't pronounce!"

I managed to crack a small smile at his words and I met his gaze, feeling vulnerable but safe as I got lost in his eyes.

"I knew it was Damon but all I could see was his face." I murmured quietly, "I thought he'd finally stopped haunting me but he's back."

Henrik didn't fully know what I spoke of. I'd only even told him parts of the story but he knew enough that I felt his hand tense in my hair when I mentioned him. I hadn't mentioned him often, maybe only twice in all the years I'd known Henrik.

"Maybe it's time that you start haunting him then," Henrik suggested, "Live your life to the fullest and be ecstatically happy. It will drive him crazy as he looks up at you from hell."

A moment passed.

"Okay, I'll try." I said, sitting up in bed and carefully wrapping my arms around him, seeking comfort in his touch.

"I'm very proud of you, sweetheart." Henrik murmured into my shoulder as he held me tightly.

"Hen," I said, pulling away to look at him, "I want my other mates."

"Then we shall wake them up." Henrik replied with a decisive nod.

"But Klaus said-" I began but he interrupted me.

"Since when have we ever needed anyone's permission?"

A/N: So far, no one has managed to correctly guess how the door opened last chapter 👀

I have published another Mikaelson book since I had already written a chapter and didn't want to gatekeep it lol. Frostbite and Powerless remain my priorities so it won't be updated very frequently at the moment but feel free to go and check it out nonetheless! It's called Goddess and Brigid might be my new favourite OC to write!

Originally published: April 3rd 2024

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