chapter seventeen: hunting and insanity

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hunting and insanity

Two weeks passed without contact from Elijah and Klaus. I'd like to say that I continuously searched for them but I couldn't help but give up fairly quickly. Obviously, one of two things had occurred: something bad had happened to them (in which case there was nothing I could do to help) or they decided that they didn't want to be with me. Those options left me feeling a weird mixture of useless and abandoned.

Henrik and I had settled into a new routine. He'd wake before me and visit Mystic Falls and the neighbouring towns in the hopes of finding his brothers. He'd arrive back at the hotel late and exhausted. I rarely saw him and that felt like a knife to the gut. I knew he was desperate to find his family and I prayed every day that he'd succeed, but with him gone so often, it almost felt as if I'd lost all of my mates.

After a sleepless night caused by overthinking, I finally gave up at five in the morning. After brushing my teeth and splashing water on my face, I journeyed into the kitchen in my dressing gown. Planning on having cereal, I opened the fridge, only to remember that I'd finished off the milk last night for my tea. With a sigh, I resorted to making toast with the final two slices of bread. I made a mental note to visit a supermarket today.

Before Elijah disappeared, everything had been fully stocked at all times and now that he was gone, it felt like everything was falling apart. I didn't realise how much Elijah actually did for us until he disappeared.

"Hey." A voice sounded behind me, causing me to drop the knife I'd been using to spread the butter. I turned to see Henrik leaning against the doorframe with a lazy smile. He looked tired and bags lined his under eyes. He'd clearly neglected shaving since he now had a short beard growing in.

"You're jumpy this morning." He commented, walking over to me and planting a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm just a little on edge from lack of sleep." I said, snaking my arms around his torso and burying my face in his chest. He held me to him gently as he stroked circles on my back.

"Your up earlier than usual. Bad dreams?" Henrik said, concern lacing his tone.

"Bad thoughts." I corrected as I inhaled, breathing in his scent.

"I'm sorry, Sweetheart. How can I help?" He asked, protectively pulling me tighter to his body, as if trying to shield me from my own thoughts.

"You're already helping by being here." I murmured, "I've missed you recently."

Henrik pulled my head away from his chest and pressed a chaste kiss on my lips, "I've missed you too, I resent every second that isn't spent with you. It won't be fore much longer though, I'll find them soon."

I pulled away, wanting to distance myself from a conversation about my other mates. Changing the subject, I asked, "Do you want a slice of toast? There's only two left but you can have one if you like?"

"I'll grab something whilst I'm out." He said and my heart sank. He was leaving me again.

"That's probably a good idea! I can never get toast right. It's either warm bread or charcoal." I joked, trying to hide the pit of sadness that had gathered inside me.

"You don't give yourself enough credit. I happen to love your warm bread!" Henrik teased and I playfully shoved him before picking up a slice and taking a bite.

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