chapter nine: arguments and resolutions

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arguments and resolutions

"Absolutely not." Elijah's definitive tone sounded across the sweet little tea shop, causing people to glare at us.

Henrik had suggested that we all go out for lunch to get out of the hotel suite, which was starting to feel suffocating. I had readily agreed, thinking that a public place would be the perfect place to talk to Elijah about possibly meeting Klaus.

The tea shop was quaint with pastel blue walls and chairs that didn't match. It wasn't very busy at the moment, with only two other tables occupied. We sat at a small table, with Elijah opposite me and Henrik beside me. I couldn't help but think it was the perfect place for a date but I put that thought to the side, seeing as the atmosphere we'd created was extremely unromantic.

Since we were surrounded by people, I presumed Elijah wouldn't want to make a scene.

I was wrong.

"But-" I tried to argue but Elijah glowered at me and continued speaking.

"After everything I have told you, how could you possibly imagine that meeting Klaus is a sound idea?" He replied, his tone hard but his manner the epitome of calm as he proceeded to sip his tea. I clenched my teeth, wondering if I should just let Elijah win this argument. But screw it, I wasn't going to let this man dictate my every decision.

"You said it yourself, he wouldn't hurt me!" I informed him, tilting my head to the side and narrowed my eyes at him, feeling rather smug that I was using his own words against him.

"Yes but I also said that he'd take you away from us." Elijah pointed out and I scowled as he carefully placed the tea cup onto the table and adjusted his cufflinks, something I noticed he did often, almost obsessively.

"You have no proof that Klaus would do that!" I argued before exhaling deeply to calm myself, "Look, I only want to talk to him."

"Absolutely not, I forbid it." Elijah said sternly and I straightened in my chair. Henrik exhaled sharply and I couldn't tell that he didn't like his brother talking to me that way.

I racked my brain for a retort but I couldn't think probably when I was angry. Frankly, I'd had enough of him trying to take control of my life. Seeing as words failed me, I could either leave or throw a mug at his face. Seeing as I didn't want to make a mess, I got up and left. Henrik called my name but I ignored him as I rushed out the door, chose a direction and began to walk.

I heard the door open but I kept on walking even faster, basically jogging at this point. There was a woosh and all of a sudden, Elijah appeared in front of me, causing me to crash into him. For a moment when I was against his chest, I wanted to wrap me arms around him and inhale his scent.

Stupid mate bond.

I jusped away from him with wide eyes, glancing towards the door 20 feet away.

"How did you get here so quickly?" I asked, stunned.

"Vampire speed. We can move extremely fast." Elijah explained and my face heated. I couldn't help but wonder how useful that could be in the bedroom.

"Oh." I replied breathily.

"I apologize for speaking to you in that manner, Morgana." He said and I couldn't tell that it was sincere. Despite his pride, at least he wasn't to proud to apologise to me, "But my point still stands. I cannot allow my brother to find out about you because I care for you."

"Regardless of how much you care for me, you are not in charge of me." I warned, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I just want to protect you. You are not familiar with this world." Elijah said, once again adjusting his cufflinks.

"Elijah, you barely know me. If you want some good little mate who follows all your rules then you might as well just hand me over to Klaus because I refuse to be that person." I told him and he nodded slowly.

"I know and I apologise, this is all new for me. I have had relations with women in the past but nothing important. Nothing meaningful." Elijah said, "I cannot promise that I will not make errors in judgement, but I will try my best."

"Thank you, I know that will be difficult given your control issues-"

"Control issues?" Elijah said, frowning at the term, "I have perfect control."

"Yes, that's my point," I deadpanned, "You have an obsessive need to control everything around you. I'm not a psychologist and even I can tell that about you."

"Am I right in thinking that you want me to see a psychologist about my... control issues?" He asked with a frown.

"No!" I said hastily before reconsiderating, "Well maybe, but don't do it for me, do it for yourself."

Silence fell between us for a while before Elijah said, "I'll think about it. Would you like to see a therapist?"

"I mean, I probably should at some point. I desperately needed it in my teens but I could never afford it and-"

"I'd be more than happy to pay." Elijah interjected.

"No, you don't need to spend your money on me, it's not important." I rambled, starting to feel rather flustered.

"The mental well-being of my mate is extremely important."

I was saved from answering when Elijah looked over my shoulder and I turned to see Henrik approaching us.

"What took you so long?" I asked.

"I had to pay and I'm not used to American currency." Henrik replied with an embarrassed grin, "Have you both come to a resolution?"

What with Elijah's apology, I'd almost forgotten my original point. I sighed before looking at him.

"You and Klaus were close once. If you forgive him, he'll forgive you and maybe if you put aside your pride, Klaus will tell us the location of his siblings." I bargained.

"I think you seriously underestimate his wrath." Elijah clenched his jaw, clearly not happy to be back on the subject, "After all, he buried my siblings at sea."

"But why did he do that? You keep saying that to justify your hatred but you haven't explained why! Why did he bury them at sea?" I asked, trying my best to remain calm but not quite succeeding. He didn't reply and I let out a huff, "Do you not know or do you just not want to tell me?"

"He's a bad man, Morgana." Elijah said, not answering my question.

"You're not exactly a saint, Elijah. The first day I met you, you beheaded someone. You do not have the moral high ground here." I informed him.

"Surely there's a compromise," Henrik said to his brother, "How about I go and visit him to let him know I'm alive but I won't mention Morgana. Then, if all goes well, I might be about to convince him to undagger our siblings and see what happens after that."

"Klaus is paranoid and might think you are an imposter. Remember, you are mortal, Henrik." Elijah said with clear concern for his brother and my heart clenched at the thought of him in danger.

"That may be so but I am also a witch, the son of one of the most powerful witches ever." Henrik said and I could tell that he'd won Elijah over. They both looked to me and I nodded in agreement.

"Then it is settled, I'll have some people find his whereabouts. I know he's in North America but I am not sure of where." Elijah said with a nod.

I couldn't help but grin at my mates. I was going to unite our family.

Also, how would you feel if I published another poly Mikaelson book set in The Originals?

Originally published: April 13th 2023

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