2. Just Keep Smiling

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''Be welcome, as we join together in celebration. Tonight is only its beginning. We honor the crown's oldest and fiercest ally, House Velaryon. Reaching back to the days of Old Valyria and the Age of Dragons. With House Targaryen and H...' Viserys began but the door swung open and stopped him mid speech the guests started murmuring, loving a good gossip.

''The King will not be happy.''

''Right in the midst of his speech.'

''The beacon on the High tower, do you know what color it glows when Old town calls its banners to war?''


Alisha walked forward her dress a deep green as she kept her head held high as she approached the table making her way to Viserys' side. They were all staring at her, Gods this was never going to work, they knew, clearly they all saw past her act. She moved up to her seat, what she assumed was her seat before looking to Rhaenyra. 

'Congratulations, stepdaughter. What a blessing this is for you.'' Alisha remarked as she kissed Viserys cheek lightly. She took a seat and pulled nervously at her fingers. They were all talking and murmuring about her. She was going to lose her head. Why did she even consider this? Gods she was losing her head tonight.

''Please be seated.''

'Where was I?'' Viserys said with a soft cough.

'The joining of the two houses, Your Grace.'' Lyonel remarked.

'Yeah.' Viserys cleared his throat. 'Yes. With House Targaryen and House Velaryon united, I hope to herald in a second Age of Dragons in Westeros.'' The crowd broke into an applause and cheers. Alisha took a sip of wine trying to calm her nerves. ''And after tonight's small affair... Seven days of tournament and feasting. At the end of it all... At the end of it all, a royal wedding... between my daughter, my heir... your future Queen... and Ser Laenor Velaryon, the heir to Driftmark.'' The drums picked up again as Viserys finished.

''I was never much of a dancer.'' Rhaenyra remarked as Laenor offered his hand and lead her out for their first dance to set off the night.

''It's not much different to combat.'' Laenor informed her.

''Hm, I shall hope for a different outcome.'' Rhaenyra agreed as she stared at Alisha a moment longer before grabbing Laenor's hand. 

Alisha took another nervous sip as Viserys leaned closer to her. This was it, say goodbye to life as she knew it.

"You smell different,'' viserys remarked softly. ''Is that vanilla?''

Alicent claimed you were not observant. But here you are being observant and noticing that I dont smell like her. Alisha thought nervously. She had spilled while cooking some vanilla bean must have been on her skin, she liked the smell but didnt think about the fact that it wasnt what the queen wore.

''Yes i thought I would change things up.'' Alisha agreed. Viserys smiled fondly as Alisha touched his hand.

''What happened here?" Viserys questioned and Alisha looked at her arm. Not fucking attentive my ass she thought. She was clumsy and directionally challenged two traits quite awful in a queen. In the queen. She was the queen.

''I was getting ready." Alisha remarking thinking quickly. "And I turned thinking someone came in and hit my arm on the dresser.'' She had been looking for something to bandage her arm but her run in with the queen distracted her and rightfully so. How many people could say they ran into the queen and looked like her double?

''I'm so clumsy sometimes.'' Alisha added before she could stop her mouth. She was a rambler, she talked on and on spilling nonsense and now it would get her killed.

''Ive never known you to be clumsy.'' Viserys countered.

She was going to be found out before alicent ever left the shores. Maybe it was for the best. She wasnt cut out for this. Certainly not. Alisha offered him a sheepish smile.

''Dance with me.'' Viserys requested standing up and Alisha took his arm.

"I would love to." Aisha agreed. She could get one dance in with the king before they found her out and took her head. Viserys looked Alisha over again and couldnt stop the smile on his face. "Something wrong?" Aisha asked trying not to give her nerves away but she had to swallow the lump in her throat as he stared down at her. Violet eyes, so entrancing, Alisha thought as his gaze was fixed on her.  

''There is something different about you my dear.'' Viserys remarked.

''Oh?" Oh God, oh God he knows. Im going to be executed. Alisha thought nervously. Just keep smiling just keep smiling just keep smiling she demanded herself.

''Yes. I cant put my finger on it but I quite like it.'' Viserys agreed and Alisha let out the breath she was holding as she leaned into him. He held her closer and for a moment she thought this could work.

''I dont think I say it enough.'' Alisha whispered. ''But you are so handsome Your grace.'' Viserys brought his hand to her face lifting her chin and kissed her.

She was going to like being the queen.

I Think He Knows // Viserys TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now