17. Healing

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Aegon woke up with a fever, Helaena was in a coughing fit. Alisha was filled with worry at first before she remembered, she is a strong and capable woman. She can handle this, she can fix them, flus only killed 30-40% of people it seemed... don't panic...  she could do this. She wouldnt let her children fall victim to a disease. 

When Helaena and Aegon got a flu. Alisha was well knowledged in medicines across the narrow sea. Healing herbs and remedies and knew the best thing to start any day was juice. Veggies and fruits mashed and squeezed gives the best vitamins and nutrients.

"Fresh orange juice is the best for when you are not feeling well". Alisha assured Aegon as she squeezed the oranges and poured it into big glasses. Aegon gulped his down and Helaena spilled on her chin as she tried to lift her cup. Alisha helped her take a big sip.

Next she knew they needed warm fluids, and sometimes it was best to sweat it out. She spoke with the maester and she gave her a few vials, she asked what was in them and requested adjustments. The maester had never thought to add Echinacea or garlic even. Alisha suggested Ginseng as well and salt crystals. 


"Larger salts I'm sure your market has some for their bath, helps with detoxification." Alisha assured. 

"Yes, I have heard of them doing such things across the narrow sea-"

"You dont do that here?" 

"No, we dont. We stick for more... typical practices." the maester remarked. 

"Interesting. I would like to see your notes on the king. What treatments he is getting I would like to make adjustments." 

"That is not necessary your grace the leechings are working." 

"And I am his wife and I say I need to know what you are doing to get him better." Alisha corrected. "I am going to head to the market and pick up a few things for the kids, please have Viserys records brought to my chambers." Alisha instructed as she headed out. 

"Yes your grace."

"Where are we going your grace?" Criston pondered. 

"I need a few things, many things from the market." Alisha informed him. "I think I also need to see a witch." 

"A witch?" Criston countered. 

"Yes. THey have spell books, across the narrow sea- I mean I heard that they have spell books and know things that maesters are not taught."

"Because they are witches." Criston agreed. "You dont mess with dark magic, even I know that."

"Not all witches are bad, not all magic is dark, some is just remedies and herbals. Healing." Alisha assured. 

"If you say so your grace." 

"I do." Alisha agreed. 

Alisha found salts, herbs, some oils, and more veggies for the children. 

"And bread, nothing fixes the soul like some warm bread." Alisha informed Criston. 

"You amazed me your grace." Criston remarked. "I have never known you to get your hands dirty until the king fell at Princess Rhaenyra's wedding." 

"Well I changed. I saw how fragile life was and knew I needed to do something about it." Alisha agreed. 

"Thats beautiful. I'm really glad you found me that night." 

"Me to, you have become a true friend ser Criston."

"As have you, your grace." 

"And as my friend I ask that you call me Ali, like Viserys does, like my friends do." 

"Of course, Ali. And you call me Criston." 

"Oh but you worked so hard for your Ser title, mine was just given to me. You worked hard to become a knight." 

"My friends call me- well Cole actually but please, Ali." he annunciated. "Call me Criston." 

"Criston." She agreed. "Thank you for coming with me. I'm very grateful for you."

That night Alisha ran a bath filling it with lavender sprigs and salts. 

Viserys sat back on the chair and watched her as she rolled up her sleeves tempering the water before helping a little naked Aegon in. 

"I dont feel good mama." Aegon whispered as he lay back in the tub. 

"Dont sink in there mister cutie." Alisha instructed as she got Helaena into the tub too. Helaena smiled back at her splashing in the water. 

"Mama, mama..." Aegon said pathetically as he reached out for her. Alisha climbed into the tub, in her thin dress and pulled Aegon to her, snuggling into his neck. Helaena smiled back at them, finding a bit of Alisha's dress and pulling it under the water intrigued. 

"You will feel better soon." Alisha coed. 

"Ali, what are these files?" viserys questioned and Alisha looked up from Aegon sleepy little face. 

"Oh, I'm adjusting your medications." Alisha informed him. 

"Is that do? Are you a maester now my love?" Viserys pondered. 

"I am better than a maester." Alisha told him confidently. Viserys smiled back at her waiting for more. "I'm a mother, I'm a wife. I have the most reasons to keep you alive and healthy." 

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