38. Threatening Children

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"Some of Aegon's friends said I'm weird mama." Helaena whispered.

"Why would they say that?" Alisha countered putting her whisk down. 

"Because they think I'm weird." Helaena offered. 

"What did Aegon say?" Alisha questioned hesitantly. 

"He punched one of them in the face." 

"Normally I would condone violence but I'm glad he stuck up for you." Alisha remarked. "Honey you are not weird, you are uniquely you." 

"I found a new creature, it has an extra set of wings, they saw me kneeling in the dirt and started calling me names." Helaena whispered and ALisha held her daughter. "Then Aegon punched them." 

"They are just jealous." Alisha offered. "That you have such an amazing mind and are so gentle, they couldnt imagine being so caring and gentle to such little lives like you do." Alisha informed her brushing her hair from her eyes. "I wish there were more people like you Helaena." 

"So they arent right?" Helaena whispered. 

"They are not right. You are amazing, Dont let them take your passion." Alisha agreed.  "Everyone wants to have a voice. But it's hard to find your voice when the noise of the world is giving directions." Alisha remarked. "You have to listen to yourself and what you want.... what do you want honey?" 

"I want to find the creature I saw before when the boys scared it away." Helaena agreed. 

"Wonderful, shall I join you?" 

"NO, I have to do this by myself... maybe I will bring Kaida with me." Helaena countered. "Thanks mama." 

"Of course." Alisha agreed as Helaena walked off. 

"Kaida bring Mouse we are going on a hunt!" 

"viserys, Viserys, can you reprimand some boys that were being mean to Helaena, Aegon knows the ones, I suspect one is still bleeding." Alisha remarked. 

"What?" Viserys rasped. 

"Aegon punched a boy for being mean to Helaena and I'm proud of him. Oh Ser Harwin! Would you go with the king, you are not as scary as Harwin at first glance, honey, no offense." Alisha offered. 

"Of course your grace, where are we going?" Harwin questioned. 

"To scare some of Aegon's friends." Viserys remarked as he headed out.  Alisha smirked following them out. 

"I dont like confrontation but I am willing to stoop to threatening children if they are being mean to Helaena." Alisha assured. "Oh, Aegon honey-"

"I didnt mean to hit him." 

"Don't lie to me." Alisha corrected. 

"I meant to hit him." Aegon agreed. 

"Good boy." Alisha agreed kissing his forehead. 

"What?" Aegon countered confused. 

"I'm proud of you. Helaena told me what you did, standing up for her. You are my good boy, now show daddy who was being mean to Helaena so he and Ser Harwin can further threaten them." Alisha instructed. 

"Who are you?" Aegon declared. 

"I'm your mother and I turn into a dragon when my babies are threatened." Alisha realized. "Go on, show your father." Alisha urged nudging him forward. 

"Is Mum okay?" Aegon whispered. 

"She is upset with your friends." Viserys remarked. 

"I am too, I told them to stop and they didnt, so I punched Mason and then Kelly... I'm really not in trouble?" Aegon questioned unconvinced. 

"You are not in trouble because you were standing up for your sister." Viserys agreed. "Alright Ser Harwin make me look good." Viserys instructed. 

"Hi mama, what are you doing?" Aemond questioned leaning back into her. 

"I'm watching Aegon's friends suffer for being mean to Helaena." Alisha answered honestly. 

"I want to help!" Aemond declared running towards Aegon and Viserys. "You hurt my sister? I hurt your face!" Aemond shouted fists flying, Aegon grabbed him holding him back. Alisha had never been more proud. 


"Thank you for today." Alisha remarked. "Helaena found the creature again with Kaida and they are studying it with Mouse... Aemond wants to go for a ride with me tomorrow... I'm nervous." 

"You were always a nervous flyer if I remember correctly." Viserys remarked. 

"He is getting quite good, he's just still so young I dont like him flying alone and he was begging for me to come, so I guess I'm going flying tomorrow." 

"YOu will love it." Viserys assured. "The more you fly the more you get used to your feet off the ground."

"Did I mention that you threatening little boys today was very sexy?" Alisha offered as she got changed for the night. 

"Yeah? You liked that?" Viserys mused. 

"So sexy, Aemond running full speed to help was also the cutest thing in the world." Alisha assured. 

"You taste like sugar." Viserys whispered kissing over her face. 

He needed to feel more. More of her against him. He pulled back just enough to tug his shirt overhead and then went back to kissing her. Her bare chest pressed to his sent shockwaves of lust rocketing through him. And that smile on her face had him undone. 

Then her hands were on his shoulders pushing him back on the bed, and he fell pulling her back with him. Her hands pressed hard against his shoulders and she began climbing on top of him. Lost from reality, lost from what his mind was telling him because this woman was his wife, it didn't matter how they got here, she was his and she loved him. 

I Think He Knows // Viserys TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now