5. Him again?!

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I woke up. It was 7.30. My new job started at 9.00. I brushed my teeth and hair like alway, ate some breakfast and dressed up.

The clock was 8.00. I decided to leave. Its better to be too early than too late, I thought.

As I stepped out the wind hit my face. It was pretty cold and I'm not normally this early up so I was pretty tired also. I started to walk towards the cafe. It took about 30min to get there.

As I was walking someone bumped in to me.

"Hey watch where you're going lady"

Of course it was my fault. As I looked back after him I realised it was Enolas brother. The mustache man. I never learned his name.

I arrived at the cafe. I went inside. It was quiet.

"Ooh your early Y/n"

"Yes, is that a proplem?"

"No not at all, come I show you how things work and you get your work uniform"

We went to the cafes back. There were a little kitchen.

"So you know how to cook, right?"

"Yes I do"

I was a pretty good cook but I didn't have a good kitchen to cook in.


"So your going to bake and cook today, here is the recepie book just look there what do you need"

I flip trough the paiges. There were many recepies but all of them seemed to be pretty easy.

"And here is your uniform"

She gave me clothes and I went to changes. The clothes felt nice and didn't look that bad.

"Thank you"

"No problem just get ready for the day"


The day went fast. I had done lots of cakes and pies. It was fun.

I heard steps. Soon my boss (whose name I never heard) walked in with one and only Sherlock Holmes. I

I was just standing in the kitchen corner as they came in to the kitchen.

"What ever you think you know Sherlock Holmes"

"Please be advised that if you disturb any of my customers" she lifted a tea pod.

"You hurt me badly?"

"I'm well aware of your talents miss Grayston"

I zone out after that. Sherlock again? How I keep meating this man over and over again. But he is beautiful so I don't mind. But still him again?!

I heard just something of their conversation. Like finding Sherlocks mom? That was their goal? Not to find their sister. And apparently miss Grayston or my boss had met Enola while ago. So this ment she is in London! I could find her, I could see her and become friend with her again. Would she even remember me? I hope.

I woke up to the reality. The conversation was nearly over.

"Oh and your doing great Y/n" she said.

"Uhh thank you"

She walked out. Sherlock started leaving too.

"Have you met Enola yet?" He asked from the door.

Wait he's talking to me. Heh zone out again.

"No not yet" I said.

"Okay, and good luck finding her Y/n"

"Tha-thank you"


As he lef the knots in my stomach tightens more. What is this feeling. I do not have a crush on Sherlock Holmes. I do... Not.. Right? Ridiculous.

||Don't Be Ridiculous|| (H.C) Sherlock Holmes X FemYnWhere stories live. Discover now