15. Maybe he wasn't that drunk..

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"And why, prey, have you moved everything?"

Both of us startle awake when Sherlock speaks. Enola had fallen asleep on a chair and I had fallen asleep on the floor.

I glanced over the room.

"Nothing looks different to me", Enola said.

"I was just about to say that!"

"Nothing looks different? Ev-", Sherlock snapped but got interrupted by a groan that escaped his mouth. He put his hand on his forehead like it was going to fix something.

"Your head is sore? Can't think why", Enola said sarcastically.

"This is why I don't have people in my rooms", he said back.

"Look what have you done, my papers are entirely out of order", Sherlock continued and arranged some paper on the floor.

"We dragged your drunk ass here and not even a "thanks" or something?" I snapped.

"Your case, it's vexing you", Enola said.

"But Y/n right a thank you would be nice."

I laughed a bit.

"It seems to be an awful lot of questions marks on that map of yours", I said looking towards Sherlocks map.

"Dundee cake, door. I will see you later", Sherlock said, took a plate that had a one pice of cake on and showed the door with his hand.

"Is that why you are drinking?" I asked. It seemed a reasonable reason to be drinking.

I'm more than certain..", Sherlock says ignoring me and sniffed the cake: "It's not so old."

"Maybe we can help?" Enola asked.

"You can help by leaving", Sherlock answers.

Bit rude if you ask me.

"Huh, yes, the world would be so much safer place is we don't see the inside of Sherlock Holmes, only the out", I said bluntly to him.

"Crazy idea!.." Enola said much more energetic than me.

"Have you ever considered a flatmate?" She revealed.

"For what purpose?" Sherlock asks.

Sherlock with a flatmate. It would be weird, I think.

"To stop you descending into this!" Enola says louder and looks around the room.

That would probably help. But I still think it would be weird. He's just, I don't know, too introverted to have a flatmate. But also Sherlock could surprise me by actually getting a flatmate. Nothings impossible.

"Strange", Sherlock says after a little pause.

"How those seeking advise so often like to dispense it", he continued.

"Did I ask for advice?" Enola snaps.

"We found you on the street, drunk", I say calmly.

"Now what may I observe about you", Sherlock says. He had moved away from us. I'm pretty sure he's a bit irritated because of us.

"We're not playing this game!" Enola yells to him.

"Shoes a state, hair's not much better", Sherlock says. He sound calm but mixed with a bit of anger and irritation.

"You and Mycroft are so similar!" Enola argues with Sherlock.

Oh damn, that's awful roast but at the same time so good.

"You need to wash your clothes!" Sherlock says back to Enola.

They're starting to argue now!? This is a bit awkward for me to be honest. They're talking at the same time that I can't make out the words what they are saying.

"Stop!" Enola yells.

A second of silence that Sherlock breaks: "And then there's your fingernails."

"Why are you two working in a match factory?" he says calmly looking at me and Enola.

"What!" I yell. How dis he knew? Well he's the Sherlock Holmes but he was drunk!

"Last night they were stained with green traces. This morning they are black", he explained with a calm voice.

I looked at my nails. Sure enough there were black traces.

"The phosphorus from the match-making has mixed with oxygen. I wasn't in such a state as not to see that", he continued. His voice raised in the end of the sentence. He was clearly worried about his sister.

"Ho- how di-", Enola tried to talk.

Sherlock turned away and walked a bit.

Sherlock lifted his finger to interrupt Enola: "And your neck is red some has clearly grabbed it or held a knife against it!"

There was a little pause.

"And Y/N neck is full of bruises that look terrible and I don't know how you haven't notice it yet!" He basically yelled at us already.

I lifted my hand to cover my neck. I knew it must leave bruises but Sherlock was right, how didn't I notice them before.

There was a long silence. But Sherlock broke it.

"Are you involved in something dangerous?" He asked, now much calmly.

"Because you are still my ward. And if you need any help, my offer still remains on the table", he said with a very calm voice. That made me feel something. Safe?

Don't be so despaired to prove yourself, Enola. And Y/N", he added looking straight in to my eyes with a little hostility in his voice.

Enola scoffed. I rolled my eyes. We were a bit offended.

"I'm not despaired, and I don't need your or anyone elses help, except Y/N", she said, looked at me and turned away to walk out of the door. She stopped, walked back and took a piece of cake from the table and handed some of it over to me.

"But this we will have", she said.

We walked out of the door. I looked back to Sherlock. He looked back at me. His eyes were beautiful, filled with worry. I realised that I probably stared too long and turned my head away and closed the door. It could have been only a second but it felt like a long time. As I closed the door I heard Sherlock sight.

Okeyh so haven't updated in ages and I'm sorry but I have lost my interest in this story. I will probably write one or two chapters that will be the end of this story.  And I am just so so so so sooo sorry!!! I know you probably expected more and I'm so sorry that I can't give it to you!

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