12. The match factory

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I woke up. Today I was going to a match factory to help Enola. I was tired, last night was bad. I couldn't sleep and I had a feeling something was not going to go well. I hope it's not this day.

I got up and got dressed up. Enola said that we had to wear a neckerchief. I grabbed an apple from the counter. I took my keys and left.

I met Enola in a park near my house. As I came to the park, I saw Enola standing under a tree. I walked up to her.

"Hi Enola"

"Hi Y/n"

"Are you alright?" She continued.

I scratched my neck.

"Yeah, I just didn't sleep well"

I really didn't want to tell her that I had a bad feeling about this.

We talked what we're about to do while walking toward the match factory. There we're suppose to meet Bessie.


"Stay with me, follow my way" Bessie said.

We had arrived outside the match factory. Bessie was waiting us there. There was lot of other girls going in, probably close to 200 girls.

"How many girls work here? Enola asked.

"Five hundred, maybe six" Bessie answered.

"How do we look? Is our neckerchief alright" She asked.

"Well it's around you neck"  She scoffed.

"Morning Bethany" A girl said while jogging past us.

"Morning Doris" Bessi said.

We arrived to a gate in to the match factory. It was kinda scary. We kept walking.

When we got the inside of the match factory, there was a line. Some guy checked every girls mouth. I don't know why.

We got to infront the line. Enola was before me. She asked the man why they were checking our mouths. Apparently they chek it for typhus.

It was my turn.

"Put your name in the register, new girl"

I wrote "Amity Blight".


I opened my mouth. I could taste the wood stick and I didn't like it.

"Go" he said.

I walked to the other side where Bessie and Enola were waiting for us.
She lead us to the factory.

"That is the phosphorus" she told us.

"Don't worry, you get used to the smell"

She stopped infront of May's workplace.

"Y/n you will work here" Bessi said.

Here?! With May! She didn't like me and I didn't like her. She just gave me bad vibes. Bessie took Enola with her to another workplace. Well lucky her.

"Weird to see you here" May said.

"Yeah it is" I answered shortly.

She told me what I had to do, not very well tho. I had to put matches in to the box. Sound easy? Well it isn't that easy.

I got hang of it quickly luckily. I was pretty quick learner. It went kinda well for me but not Enola. She was struggling and the matches fell to the ground.

That man who checked us at the door started yelling at her. I think he was the boss. Bessie tried to defend her but it didn't work so well. Enola gave me a look. She had something in mind.

Every thing happened really fast. She snuck behind some sort of cart. She hid behind a table and dropped a metal container to the ground.

A girl infront of me freaked out and stumbled on me. I stumbled a bit and had to take couple steps back. The girl said sorry and continued her job. Thankfully the man didn't notice it and was too busy yelling.

I saw the office door close upstairs. It seems like Enola got up there.

I took a while to the door open again. But this time there walked out other people. Has Enola gotten caught. Thankfully Enola was not with them.

I kept my eyes on the door. Those people taht came out of the office walked around the factory. I had to pretend to wark so wouldn't get caught. Please Enola come out. Please. I saw it open a little soon after and Enola walked out. She was quick to get back on her workplace. She was just in time.

We continued our day by putting matches in to boxes. It was a bit stressful.


It was already evening. It wasn't dark but it was a bit windy. We walked out of the factory. Enola and Bessi walked ahead so I had to ran so wouldn't get left behind.

"Did you get anything?" I asked from Enola as I got up to her. Bessie had left already.

"Yes I got a bit information" She answer.

"Sarah did steal someth-"

She got distracted. I followed her gaze. She was looking May. Where is she going? Her house isn't there. We looked at eachother and started following her.

Where are you going May..?

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