13. Theatre

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We followed Mae for awhile. We nearly got caught twice. First time we hid behind barrels and the second time I had time to hide but Enola crapped a mans hand and pretended to be his wife or something.

Thankfully Mae didn't caught us. We nearly lost her but we saw where she went at the last second. We followed her behind the corner and saw her walking in to a theatre. Above the door was a sign that read: The Paragon.

We walked in. There was a lot of people. Everywhere was laugher and chatting. Music played in the background.

"Hello dears! Forgot your ticket?" A man with egg looking head said to us.

"That's tuppence for a sweet, cheating face like yours" he said.

We both gave him two pennys and just walked past him in to the crowd. There was lot of talking a yelling. Some woman was trying to sell toffee.

"Watch where you're going, lady" a man said to me as I bumped into him.

"Oh I'm so sorry" I said.

The man just walked past me with a sigh. Ugh men.

We walked down the stairs. We were now standing in front of a stage.

"Where are you Mae?" Enola said to herself.

The music played around us. It was happy and made the atmosphere nice and happy. We looked around. We couldn't find May anywhere. The orchestra finished playing and people started to cheer and clap. We were a bit confused.

"And here she comes!" Announcer yelled!

A girl swung in on a trapeze. People were cheering as she glided over people. When she was coming back, she took a mans hat. Enola startled a bit. The girl swung to the stage. People started cheering again when a fanfare started to play.

"One, two, a-one, two, three, four" a conductor said.

Drapes flew open and group of girls came in. The girl who took a mans hat, trew the hat to one of the girl in the group and walked away. The girls started to sing.

"Where did you get that hat? Where did you get that tile?"

We stared the girls. Mae was there. Singing. We looked at eachother. They finished singing. Enola started to leave somewhere.

"Where are you going?" I shout whispered to her. She didn't reply.

I followed Enola to the backstage. There were a lot of performers. We shouldn't be here. A guy approached us.

"Are you the foozler who took my pan stick?"

"Uh no, I'm looking a girl called M-" Enola started but got cut off when the guy left.

"Uhh, rude" I said.

Enola saw something on the table we were standing next to. I walked over to her. She was holding a make up stick. Sarah had one of those. Enola put the make up down and looked to her left. There was a pair of stag antler one the wall.

"Bessi said that Sarah worked in a place called stag antler", Enola said quietly.

"Soo Sarah actually worked here? And they told Bessi something else?" I said to Enola.


Someone approached us. My back hit a pillar behind me. Someone was choking me. I looked to my left and saw Enola being held bay Mae. She had a knife.

"You got five second to tell my why are you here" Mae told Enola.

"Did Sarah work here?" Enola asked.

"She did, didn't she. And Bessie doesn't know", she continued when Mae didn't answer her.

The girl choked me, pressed a bit harder. It was getting harder to breath.

"Please let go" I said to the girl.

That girl just tightens her grip.

I saw Enola get out of Maes grip and there positions had changed. I tried to get the girls hand of me but she was strong. I could breath a little bit but I needed more oxygen. I kicked the girl in to her stomach and she let go. I took a deep breath. This was going to leave bruises.

"What ever this is, Mae is on the stage in 30 ticks and she's still dressed as a gent" a man said and came over to us.

Enola looked at Mae.

"So let go of her, now" he said.

Enola let go.

"Get them out of here", Mae said.

"Be my pleasure", the man said and chuckled a bit.

"Come on"

I had time to get couple step before Enola stopped.

"Where did Sarah Chapman do her make up?" Enola asked.

The man opened his palm to show he needed money to answer any questions we have. Enola gave him some pennies.

"Full of secrets that one, and not a bad actress" the man said and lead us to Sarah's make table.

"I'd have given her the boot, if she weren't so good, bur she did attract the men with big pockets, alway useful that. Shift it." the man told and a woman moved to do her makeup elsewhere.

"Wich men?" Enola asked.

The man showed his empty palm again and Enola gave him some money again.

I looked around. This plase was crowded. Lots of actors everywhere.
Enola opened a makeup box while the man told us something about a man.

I walked up to Enola and watched the box with her. I knok to the bottom of the box. It sounds hollow. I lift the bottom a bit and found a letter under it. The man looks a bit surprised.

"His name?" Enola asked.

The man put his palm up again. Enola sight and gave him money again. This man was robbing us!

"Never gave one", the man said with a smirk. That jerk.

I left the theatre. I was tired of listening that man. He still talked something about love and stuff. Enola followed me a little after. I held the letter close to my chest.

We got out of the theatre and I gave the letter to Enola. She opened it..

Okayy so sorry for leaving this chapter in a weird place but I really wanted to get this out :D i hope you liked it and sorry for not giving you Sherlock content!! I promis he will be in the next chapter<3(I also didn't have time to add the picture now so I will do it later)

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