6. "No manners"

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As I was walking back home from work I just couldn't focus on anything. Thoughts in my head were running around. Like Enola was in London?! Sherlock is trying to find their mom and their sister??!! I think their mom can survive on her own but Enola is 16!!

The traffic was annoying. Carriages went past me all the time and couple times I nearly got run over. Why is everyone out right now? I was zone out again. Just walking and not paying attention to the real world. Probably should.

I feel something pushing me hard. I fly towards a window and trough that. There was yelling. A lot of yelling. I see a horse running around. So that pushed me.


What?! They're yelling at me
Who's yelling at me? I look around in see him. The mustache man. I had fallen in to mens barbershop.

"How dare you lady"

"You have no manners!"

"It was an accident" I said maybe bit too rudely.



He just yelled at me. I wasn't good with people yelling at me. I felt a tear fell down my cheek.

"Send her to miss Harrison's finishing school Lestrade"

"O-okay sir" Lestrade muttered and grabbed my hand.


"Tell her that she is from me"

"Yea-okay sir"

He just pulled me out of the barbershop, in to a carriage.

"This isn't fair.." I murmured.

We sat in quiet the entire trip. I don't want to go to school. I know everything that I need.

"We're here"

I lift my eyes of the floor. In front of as was a massive school. It seemed scary without looking scary. It was a weird feeling. I jump out of the carriage. Lestrade tooks my hand and leads me to the schools gate. Knocks on in tree times. Soon a old looking lady walks out.

"Hello, what are you doing here?"

"Mycroft sent her to here"

So the mustache mans name is Mycroft. What a stupid name.

"Ohh well come in girl, sir you have to leave now, thank you"

We walked in. The gates behind us closed. I was trapped.

"Now come we have lot to do"

Walked behind her. Up the stair in to some kind dressing room place?

Some woman stared measure my body parts. I didn't listen what the numbers were. I was just mad. And it didn't help when I sometimes heard Miss Harrison say "how disappointing".

When they were finally over measuring my body they send me to my room. It wasn't big. There were one bed, a window and a table. The walls were green. I sat on my bed. It started raining. It was pretty late. Tears started falling from my eyes. I went to the window and watched. I could see the schools gates from here.

I stood there for a while. Then I saw movement in the yard. A carriage rolled in to the yard. A girl and a man came down from the carriage. I recognise the man immediately. It was Mycroft. So the girl next to him must be.. ENOLA! I finally found her. I went back to my bed. The bed wasn't really comfortable but I still fell asleep quickly.

||Don't Be Ridiculous|| (H.C) Sherlock Holmes X FemYnTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang