[ Chapter 57 : Claws & Bites ]

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Y/n's pov.   

I hold my arrow on my bow with the string ready to pull back and we all creep into the forest quietly and cautiously. Their weapons out ready along with spells prepared, mages and marksman are to stay at a distance while the close range fighters are on the ground. It's silent and only the sound of the crunch of our iron boots stepping on the grass, I notice a strange odor coming around here as well as the smell like rusty iron.

" Do you all smell that? " I asked.

" Smell what? " Rowena asked as she has a ring on her middle finger with a chain connecting to her wrist and it's a fit for her.

" Blood " I said and we keep going down the same path.

We're close to the nearest village which is just beyond a stream.

" Fresh blood " I see Heidi just to my right.

She looks at me with a raise brow and I nod with agreement.

" How do you know it's fresh?, If I may ask " Rowena said.

" No, you may not " Heidi said then walk pass me and I turn to Rowena, Lumina and Judy who's concerned.

" We have a slaughterhouse " I said and they all turn away in relief.

We continue on and I notice the smell is getting stronger, holding my bow firmly as we keep going cautiously, it's way too calm and the sky is already dark so we're going in blind. There aren't any lights because everyone drank night vision potion while I'm only using the light of the moon and I have no problem with it since I'm used to it. Soon enough we start to notice a huge plumes of smoke in the sky and that area is lit up with orange light.

" Go!, Go!, Go! " The man shouts.

We all start to run and head towards that area, I keep holding onto my arrow and bow until we came to an opening. I slow down when I gasp to see the villages are in chaos on the other side of this stream, some houses seem to caught on fire, there's dead bodies everywhere with blood, explained the strong smell from the woods.

" We're too late " Lumina said.

" Everyone stay alert, it might still be here, all of you go scout the area " I look over to Declan who's actually the one ordering us around in his knight armor.

He then turns to the one behind him.

" All of you, try barricading the area with a pure spell so it's boxed in, and the rest of you " he turns to us.

I stand here looking at him in question.

" Put out the fire, try to find survivors with me " he said.

" Sir yes sir " Judy said and the others nod.

We cross the shallow stream then I look over my shoulder to Laurence who's a little behind and his legs are trembling so I walk up to him and grab his hand. He was startled and look at me with his obvious terrified look.

" Don't worry, it's shallow, you can hold my hand " I said and he smiles lightly holding onto my hand tightly.

We cross the stream easily and I let go of his hand after we stand on the land which I see him sighing in relief.

" Don't worry, I'm a great swimmer " I nudge him and he chuckles.

" Let's go, I'm going to put the fire out " he said.

We catch up with the others and I hold my bow and arrow as I walk down the path, approaching a house which has not caught on fire, I push the door open lightly as it creaked. I exhale to see three bodies in here, a woman and a man with a teenage boy on the floor together. From the looks of it the man was protecting them with a kitchen knife that is on the floor, the teen's body is all torn up and the same with man while the woman's face is just gone.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now