[ Chapter 89 : Copycat ]

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Y/n's pov.

" I'm so sorry I got you into this "

" Hey " Laurence hold me by the chin and lift my head up.

" You don't apologize for something you didn't do, I love you and I love our daughter, no one is going to change that " he said, I sniffle and I sit here as I smile at him but tears stream down my face while he moves his hand away from my chin to my cheek.

" What are we gonna do?, We can't live our lives like this all the time " I said as I look outside this window where I see some knights guarding this house.

Laurence close the curtain then pull me close to his body, putting his hand on the back of my head and let me lean against him. I sniffle more while wrapping my arms around his body as we stand here in silence, just him comforting me and me listening to his slow heartbeat. The most calming sound in the world, it sounds like I'm home and like I'm safe in his arms wherever I go.

" You need to relax, the knights are to protect us and Esmé " we pull away and I wipe my tears away as he wipe some of it off for me with his sleeve.

" I can't relax when the life of our daughter is in danger, whoever made that rumor I will find out and hack his head off with my axe! " I smack my hand on my palm and move it in a back and forth motion like a knife with my determined bloodshot eyes.

" Let's not go that far " Laurence lift my finger away from my hand and I look up at him with a small smile.

" And we surely can't find out who's the one that started the rumor when almost half of the eight cities of this kingdoms knows about it, it'll be like a needle in a haystack " he said.

" Then all we need is fire " I said, he raises a brow and I sigh.

" Bringing in flashbacks, I'm not so fond of fire these days " he said, I snort a little to what he's referring to.

I chuckle and squish his cheeks together to make his lips plump like a fish.

" Or not " I said and he smiles giving me a kiss on the lips.

I kiss back and pull away shortly as we look at each other, I smile a little upon seeing his blue eyes like our daughter and he smiles back with his hand moving my hair behind my ear for me.

" I'm sorry I ran out of the house without telling you, once Archer told me about the rumor I had to go get Derek and inform the king " he said, I shake my head.

" It's okay, you did the right thing " I said then peck his lips.

" And hopefully this will be over soon " he said, I nodded.

It wasn't long until we turn our attention to Esmé who burst out crying from her cradle, I let go of Laurence as we approach her, I see her awake and crying.

" Shhh, it's okay " I pick her up gently and have her still wrap in her blanket but her arms are out.

She keeps crying and I rock my body to comfort her.

" She must be hungry " Laurence said.

" No, she shouldn't be because I fed her an hour ago after we left the garden " I said and shift her to her back to lie in my arms.

I gently caress her chest to calm her down and Laurence is hushing her softly.

" It's okay " he said.

I furrow my eyebrows in concern as this goes on for awhile, soon enough we hear a knock at the door.

" Master Laurence?, Your mother has arrived! " We hear Archer announce.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now