[ Chapter 79 : Forgive The Unforgivable ]

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Y/n's pov.  

I dismount my horse and tie the rein on the branch and grab my battle axe.

" Are you sure this is the place where she meant? " Heidi asked.

" Positive, she and I used to watch the sunset here at the old cabin " I said and look down at my axe.

It's new, lighter and bigger, the handle is about half of my height so I have a better swing, I wrap my fingers around the handle to have a better grip and look over my shoulder to Heidi who got out her sword.

" Ready? " I asked.

" As I'll ever be " she said then walk pass me.

I turn my head back in front to this beach just a few hours further away from Kaigon, I walk down the path following Heidi. I catch up to her and we walk side by side with our boot prints left on the sand with the ocean to our left, the sun is above the water and the sky is a little yellow.

" What do you think she's up to? " Heidi asked, I shrug.

" Probably boobytrapped the entire place, weaken us first then she'll do the final fatal blow " I said.

" Sounds like Syrene " she said, I chuckle.

" This is actually my fight, you didn't have to come " I said.

" If you didn't then why tell me?, You know I won't turn down a fight when it comes to Syrene " she said.

" That's exactly why, I'm more worried about Paige than you, if you die she's going to rain fire on me " I said, she chuckles.

" Don't worry, I told her not to " she said, I snicker.

" I don't trust that a single bit " I said.

" Trust it "

I look up ahead of me where I see the old abandoned cabin on this beach, it's small and it's clear that no one has been in there because of how cloudy and dirty the windows are.

" You first " I gasped after I was pushed forward lightly and I turn my head to her in disbelief.

" What?, You said it yourself, it's your fight, I'm not dying first " she smiles, I roll my eyes and sigh.

I step up the small steps of the porch and get close to the door, I didn't hesitate to just open it and let it swing open all the way. Standing here as I look around inside, the memories flashed through my head and it's very dusty as well as cobwebs in all corners. I take a deep breath to smell the old wood rotting in this place and exhale to step in, I see one bed in the corner, a wardrobe, small kitchen, and a ladder going up the roof.  There's not much in here than the fireplace and a few furniture like the dining table and one lantern with a few kitchenware's.

" Is this where you and her went for every sunset? " Heidi asked.

" It's where she used to help me after I get a beating " I said then walk up to the bed where the bedside table is.

I pick up the bowl of medicine which has rotted and collecting dust, I put it back down then turn around to Heidi touching a hanging chime bells made out of wood, she lightly taps it and it chimed.

" That's hers " she turn her head to me.

" It's the first decoration she's ever made for this house " I said.

She snickers.

" Sentimental Syrene " she said.

" Now the question is where is she? " I said and look around this small cabin.

There's no other doors and from the look of the outside, there wasn't anyone on the roof so she can't be there.

" Well, she's late to her own party " she said.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now