[ Chapter 88 : Two Bodies In One ]

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Y/n's pov.

" Mom? " I hold her hand as I take a seat on the chair and she turns her pale face to me.

" The trial? " She asked.

" It's over " I smile.

" It is? " She asked, I nodded.

She smiles at me and her eyes averted down to my stomach, and she looks up at me with furrowed eyebrows.

" Your baby? " She asked, I put down her hand slowly and gesture Jemma to come close.

She holds the two week old infant in her arms and gently put her down beside mom.

" Meet your granddaughter, Esmé M/n Zvahl " I said.

She place her hand on Esmé's tummy and chuckle.

" She's decided to meet you earlier " I said.

" But she's too early " she said.

" I know, it was a miracle " Laurence said.

" Reminds me of the day I first held you " she said.

" Derek said the same thing " I said as Laurence stand behind me with his hands on my shoulders.

" Mom " I said she hums in question.

" How did you convince the king and queen?, You were still in a coma then " I said.

She turns her head to Derek and he helps her up a little on the bed, I adjust her blanket as she clears her throat.

" Miss " a maid pass me a glass of water and I give it to mom.

She holds the glass and I notice the slight tremors on her hand as she takes a sip, putting it away she clears her throat again.

" I was still pregnant before I had you and it was before Derek, after F/n died you were conceived as well, giving me twins " she said.

" I had a twin? " I asked, she nods.

" She died with me and when you were born, only Derek and I knew of the different color on your stomach " she said.

I place my hand over my abdomen.

" I was supposed to get rid of your dead sister inside me but she was never found "

" That's when we theorize you might have absorbed her embryo when you were inside " Derek said.

" Meaning? " I asked.

" You have the L/n blood in you " I look over my shoulder to Laurence.

" How is that possible? " I asked.

" Your father is F/n as well " Derek said.

I scoff in disbelief.

" The L/n family's heirloom is a snowy owl, it provides protection and prosperity, you don't have it but your twin does " mom said.

" It's a genetic mutation " I turn my head to aunt June sitting on the chair with her cup of tea.

" When you and your twin fused together it awoken the dormant gift of immunity, the Lycan family heirloom is a dragon who is also immune to magic "

" So when you were born, immunity was born as well and voilà, your here and probably the first person to have two fathers, two bodies in one " she smiles.

" When did you get here? " Derek asked.

" Just now " she sips her tea.

" I've written it down right after I woke up and gave it to Amelia " mom said.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now