[ Chapter 100 : Flowers & Sunsets ]

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Y/n's pov.

" Xaria?! " I call out and sigh as my voice echoes through the halls.

" Xaria!, You win, come out now, no more hide and seek! " I said as I walk down the hall.

I hear the giggles and see a glimpse of shadow entering my chambers, I snicker and calmly walk towards that direction. As soon as I enter I see my husband by his desk doing his work, under the desk I see little feet.

My husband just keeps smiling while doing his work, the eldest daughter is just in her corner playing with her toys.

" You don't happen to see the second one in here do you, dear? " I asked, he shakes his head.

" Nope " he simply said and write something down on his book as I walk around his desk.

I already saw the second child under the desk giggling and hugging her father's leg, trying to be quiet.

" Do I have to let her win? " I wrap my arms around Laurence from behind and rest my head on his shoulder.

" It's the first round and already took you twenty minutes to find her so. . . " he turn his head to me.

" She already won " he said.

" I suppose you helped her in the process " I said, he smiles then peck my lips before turning back to his papers.

" Fine, come out now or uncle Faris won't give anymore mooncakes~ " I chirp out loud and walk away with my hands behind me.

I hear a gasp and look over my shoulder where the shuffling sound is to see the little one year old girl whining and struggling to get out from under the desk. I chuckle and Laurence push his chair away so it would be easier then realizing my mistakes when the older child come running towards me too.

" Oops " I said.

" Moon!, Moon! " Esmé tugs on my dress and I sigh.

Xaria started whining and reach her arms up at me.

" Okay, okay " I said and pick her up.

She looks at me with her sparkling e/c eyes and light brown hair being a little messy.

" I too would like a mooncake " I turn my head and raise a brow to my husband.

" What?, I like the chocolate one " he said as he lean back on his chair.

" Uh-huh " I said.

Esmé then head towards her father and tug his pants.

" Dada want moony " she pouts.

" Yes, dada will tell uncle Faris to buy as many mooncakes for you! " He picks her up and she shrieks while giggle.

" Chocy " she said.

" You want chocolate? " Laurence asked and she nods.

" We'll see about that when uncle Faris gets home from work " he said.

I look at Xaria who's playing with my hair.

" How about you?, Chocolate? " I asked.

She then opens her mouth and about to put my hair inside when I move it away to one shoulder.

" There's no such thing as hair flavor " I said and walk towards the desk as Laurence chuckle.

I put her down and so did Laurence with Esmé and they both run around the room, until I was pulled by the waist.

" Oh! " I shriek and giggle when his arms wraps around me as I sit on his lap.

" My mother. . . " he starts, I hum in response.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now