Part 1:13

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edited 12/04 2024



Barton and his men have landed and are making their way across the deck and over to an air vent. Barton signals his men to kick in the vent and they do.


The grating is kicked in and the men jump down. Barton gives them orders.

BARTON (to three of his men) Keep that engine down. (to two others) Detention, wait for camera to god ark.(to last two) Stay close.


Tony and Cap run through a dim, debris-filled hall.

TONY Find engine three. I'll meet you there.

Cap peels off as Tony approaches a tech room. Inside, Tony's IRON MAN suit stands waiting, lit from above in all its glory.


ON BANNER'S FACE in the dim light as he struggles to suppress the rage, but his face is growing, changing slowly .Natasha is pulling herself painfully free again, talking to Banner...

NATASHA Doctor? Bruce, you gotta fight it. This is just what Loki wants. We're gonna be okay. Listen to me.

Two MAINTENANCE GUYS run in with Ivanna behind them


Natasha waves the two guys away, and signs something to Ivanna with her hands.

"What are you doing?" Remus asked confused.

"I told Ivanna to get Anya and get the hell out of there."

James looked a bit confused about how her waving her hands could mean that "And she understood you?" That only gave him a roll of Natasha's eyes.

Ivanna seems to understand and looks over to were Anya is unconscious and stuck under some of the fallen roof, with a look of panic on her face. She sneaks along the wall to get to her sister

NATASHA We're gonna be okay. Right? I swear on my life I will get you out of this, you will walk away, and never ever --

BANNER (growling)Your life?

His voice has the change in it -- the bitter amusement is morphing to a growled threat.

Ivanna looks like she is about to jump in between her mother and the Hulk but after a look from Natasha she returns to her sister.

Many looked at Ivanna with respect this 14 year old girl was ready to risk her life for her mothers.

Banner begins to transform into the Hulk, shirt tearing, he throws himself away from Romanoff, who looks terrified, then he turns to look at her, transforming -- just as the lights go out.

HP X MCUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora