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Y/n quietly opens the door and closes it behind her, as the sound of the heart rate monitor could be now heard.

"Y/n?" Tara says in a low tone.

Y/n turns around and meets Tara's tired eyes as she quickly approaches her, laying her backpack down.

"Tara, hey. How are you? Are you okay?" Y/n rambles worriedly while placing her hand on Tara's cheek.

"I'm fine now, I just feel tired." Tara says as Y/n nods at her while sitting in the chair next to her bed.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Y/n asks calmly as Tara holds her hand while her eyes start to water.

"I was so scared, he was wearing a ghostface mask and was stabbing me and I thought I was going to die and-" Tara starts crying as Y/n cuts her off.

"You're okay now, no one is going to attack you again. I promise I'll protect you no matter what." Y/n reassures her while gently wrapping her arms around the girl, making sure not to hurt her.

Tara just wraps her arms around Y/n neck while crying. When she calms down, Y/n sits back and wipes away Tara's tears.

"You're fine now, okay? The others will be soon here to see you." Y/n tells her with a comforting smile.

"Really?" Tara asks with a weak smile as Y/n nods.

"Of course, they'll be here. Except for Liv she has something to do."

Tara nods, before Y/n talks again,
"Do you need anything? You can tell me everything." Y/n says as she moves her arm forward, taking hold of Tara's hand.

"No, I'm good for now. Thank you." Tara smiles at her, before examining her arms and noticing some bruises.

Tara furrows her eyebrows, catching Y/n's attention.
"Is there something-?"

"How did you get these?" Tara asks, holding the girl's arm. She looks attentively before moving her gaze up.

"Uhh, it was in football practice." Y/n answers while slowly pulling away her arm.

"Sure, did the practice also cause the busted lip?" Tara asks sarcastically, but still in a stern tone as Y/n stays silent.

"You know, I can easily ask Amber. I'm pretty sure she knows. The same goes for the others." Tara says making Y/n sigh and lean forward.

"Don't be mad, but it was just a little fight at school." she confesses as Tara groans.

"Are you serious, Y/n? I wasn't here for a day and you already go fighting? Are you okay at least?" Tara asks in worry.

"I should be the one asking you that, but, yeah, I'm all good." Y/n chuckles as Tara smiles.

"Who was it?"

"What?" Y/n asks in confusion slightly tilting her head.

"Who did you fight, dumbass." Tara asks again with a chuckle.

"Ohh.. Jaden." Y/n answers reluctantly making Tara's eyes slightly widen.

"Oh, you're crazy. Of all people you fight Jaden? He's like the school's dick. Why did you fight?" Tara asks surprised, since he's known for his arrogance and strength.

"Don't worry about it, he was just being a dick." Y/n avoids the question, not wanting to make her upset by his words.

"Did you win?" Tara asks curiously, breaking the silence that lasted for a couple of seconds.

"You bet," Y/n says as they both laugh.

Y/n was now sitting on the bed, between Amber and Wes, as the twins sat on the chairs in the end of the bed.

The door was slowly opened, revealing Sam, which caused Chad to look confusedly at Y/n before they all stand up.

"How are you feeling?" Sam quickly walks to her sister and bends down to her level.

"You came." Tara asks with a light smile as Sam lays her hands carefully on her arm and shoulder.

"Of course, I came." Sam answer, before looking back and pointing behind her.

"This is my boyfriend, Richie." she introduces him.

"It's so nice to meet you, I'm so sorry if I'm intruding." Richie greets, while approaching her, while Sam walks behind him.

"Nice to meet you, too." Tara greets back with a slight wave.

Sam puts her bag down before hugging the twins, and Wes.

"Look at your hair! I like it." Sam compliments him while running her fingers through his hair as he chuckles.

Then, Sam approaches Y/n and tightly wraps her arms around her, as Y/n does the same.

"Hey." Y/n says.

"Hi. Thank you for calling." Sam whispers to her while melting in the hug.

"Don't mention it." Y/n says back before they pull away as Sam looks up at her.

"You got so tall." Sam smiles laying her hand on her biceps before sliding down to her forearm and letting go.
Y/n smiles at her.

Sam moves back next to Richie and points to them.
"These are Chad and Mindy, the twins. And Y/n and Wes." Sam introduced them to her boyfriend as the twins slightly raise their hand to greet him. While Wes and Y/n just nod at him.

"I used to babysit them all." Sam continues.

"Which is always how I like to be introduced." Wes chuckles, making Amber slowly looks down with a forced smile.

Sam inhales as she turns to the girl,
"And Amber, hey."

Amber raises her eyebrows sending her a smile.
"Hi, nice to see you." she calmly says with Sam nodding lightly.

"H-Hi, I'm Richie." The man sends a smile to her, slightly nervous.


"Where's mom?" Sam questions in confusion, moving her gaze back to her sister.

"She's stuck at a conference in London, she called me earlier." Tara answers in a low voice as Amber scoffs.

"Yeah, for all of ten minutes. Look, guys, Tara's really tired. Maybe we should give her some space." Amber says, turning to her friend. Y/n nods in agreement after locking eyes with Amber.



Wes and Mindy mumble while they all stand up, as Y/n puts a backpack strap over her shoulder.

"Not you, Sam. I want you to stay." Tara mumbles as they all stop in their tracks.

"Okay," Sam nods and walks back to her sister.

"But the rest.." Chad starts while looking at them.

"Yeah." Mindy and Wes awkwardly nod while walking out.

"Do you have you have your extra inhaler?" Amber bends down to Tara and lays her hand on her arm as Y/n stands behind her.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." Tara answers making Amber nod.

"Okay," Amber grabs her bag, moving away.

Y/n bends down, kissing Tara's forehead. "See you later." Y/n says, earning a nod and a smile from the girl.

Y/n walks away and exits the room with Amber after smiling at Sam, as Tara's eyes follow her movements.

"Honey, I'll just be right outside." Richie tell Sam with his hand on her back.

"Thank you."

"Bye." Richie leaves the sisters alone in the room, closing the door behind him.

𝑺𝑪𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑴 (𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐) ➸ 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now