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Y/n parks her car before turning it off.
She sighs, understanding that she's been fooled by Mindy, since she could hear loud music coming from the house and see lights from the open front door.

She unbuckles the seatbelt before stepping out of the car and locking it.
She walks to the house, as the music progressively gets louder.

She enters and sees most people from her school. They were chatting and laughing with bottles of beer and cups in their hand.

Suddenly, Mindy walks up to her and drags her by the arm before stopping in the livingroom.

"You told me it was important?" Y/n asks in confusion.

"Oh, Y/n. That was just a stupid way to get you here, and it worked!" Mindy smiles at the taller girl.

"Shut up. Are you guys celebrating Wes' death or what? Sam told me."
Y/n looks around as she could hear people laughing and chatting with the music in the background.

"It's was supposed to be a memorial, but, you know, alcohol got in." Mindy explains.

"Yeah.. of course," Y/n says as Mindy turns around walking to the couch.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Mindy says before she quickly turns back and slaps Y/n's face.

"What the hell!" Y/n shouts while placing her hand on her cheek while looking at the girl in front of her in disbelief.

"That's for almost dying." Mindy explains and walks to the couch.

"Wow, was it that hard to say 'Oh, my God. I was so worried!" Y/n sits next to her.

"You're looking for another one?" Mindy raises her eyebrows with her innocent smile.

"No, no.." Y/n shakes her head lightly and moves her gaze to the movie.

"Have this," Mindy hands her a cup filled with alchohol.

Y/n drinks the drink before furrowing her eyebrows.
"Goddamn, this was strong.. and shitty." Y/n place the cup back on the table in front of her.

"Stop complaining, you big baby," Mindy says before drinking her beer as Amber enters the room.

"Look, it's the killer!" Y/n says pointing at the girl. Mindy snaps her head to the accused girl, before looking back.

"What a great way to greet people," Amber says sarcastically, while passing behind the couch and smacking Y/n's head.

"Okay, I swear this is bullying," Y/n holds her head.

"Well, you're the youngest, you're made for this." Mindy tells her with a shrug.

"You're like 2 months older than me." Y/n says back.

"You're still younger. Anyways, you got me earlier. You're good at acting." Mindy narrows her eyes while facing her. Y/n silently stares at her.

"But you're not the killer." Mindy finishes her thoughts with a smile.

"How are you sure about that?" Y/n asks, and turns completely to her right as Mindy approaches her face.

"Because I am." Mindy smirks slightly, as they keep eye contact. Y/n stares at the girl's eyes before leaning back on the couch.

"Mhmm, no, you're not. I'm pretty sure." Y/n says confidently, glancing at the TV.

"That's why I love you! You passed the test!" Mindy smiles while poking her chest before sitting back and laying her feet on the coffee table.

"What test?" Y/n asks in confusion.

"Well, the test was about not trusting people, and you didn't believe me when I said I was the killer. Smart, huh?" Mindy says with pride before drinking some of the beer, as Y/n looks at her with a confused look.

"Hey, dude," Chad sits next Y/n with his phone in his hand.

"Hey," she greets him back as they do their handshake they agreed on years ago.

"How are you feeling?" Chad asks, caring about her wealth after the attack.

"I'm fine, it hurts a bit when I move, either way I'm okay. And you? You look.. bad." Y/n explains and asks him back slightly worrying, knowing that there's something as he sighs.

"Liv left him," Mindy jumps in the conversation as Y/n looks at him in disbelief.

"No way. Are you serious?" Y/n asks as the twins answer at the same time.



"Really understandable," Y/n says ironically before Mindy leans on her side.

"She got mad at him and left. He didn't trust her about the killer shit. He did a pretty good job." Mindy explains jokingly and moves back.
Chad exhales after texting his girlfriend and stands up.

"Don't do it, don't go outside after her." Mindy tells her brother, keeping her eyes on the TV.

"She's not texting me back," he says as he wears his jacket.

"Because she's probably dead!"

"Jesus, Mindy. She's my girlfriend and I love her." he says as Y/n looks at him.

"Was your girlfriend," his sister corrects.

"You're just gonna sit and watch a movie about our uncle getting stabbed?" Chad points at the TV, as his sister finally looks at him.

"It calms me down, okay? I'm also gonna smoke some weed and possibly hook up with Frances." Mindy says, glancing at the girl she mentioned.

"Do you need me to go with you?" Y/n asks as he stops in his tracks.

"You're not really in a good shape, I'll manage if something happens." he says as Mindy exhales.

"Oh, my God. At least take some sort of weapon with you?" Mindy rolls her eyes. Chad listens to her and grabs a candlestick with him while rolling his eyes.

"Here you go." he shows it, with an angry expression before walking out of the livingroom.

"What a dumbass," Mindy mumbles with a smile as she rolls her head and continues to watch the movie.

"I'm tired." Y/n mumbles, placing her elbow on the edge of the couch before leaning her head on her palm.
Her eyelids start feeling heavy as she doesn't fight back and closes her eyes.

Moments later, Mindy leans over and notices her sleeping. She smirks at that before moving her sight to Frances and motioning to her to approach.

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