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Sam stops, with blood all over herself as she pants. Richie slightly cries while looking at her.
"What about... my ending?" he asks in a low tone, with blood coming out of his mouth.

Sam looks down at him before bending down and slowly raising his head. "Here it comes."
She whispers softly and slowly slashes his throat, making more blood come out as he slowly stops moving.

"Holy shit." Y/n mumbles watching the man die in front of her.
Sam wipes the knife and stands up while panting, not moving her gaze from him, until Sidney and Gale walk in.

They stand next to her, before Sam drops the knife.
"Careful they always come back."
Sidney says, making Sam snatch the gun from Gale and shoot Richie's head 3 times. This makes Y/n come back from zoning out.

"Okay, then." Gale mumbles, impressed.

Sidney looks up and sees Y/n with blood all over her. She recognizes her even if the last time she saw her was years ago.

"Y/n?" Sidney says in worry and confusion, walking by Richie to approach her. Y/n looks up and a smile tugs in her lips.

"Aunt Sidney? Are you okay?" Y/n asks her as Sidney quickly wraps her arms around her, not caring about the blood.

"Are you okay? God, I'm so sorry." Sidney sighs, placing her hand on
Y/n's head, as the girl hugs her back.

"It's not your fault. I missed you." Y/n mumbles in the hug.

"I missed you, too, Y/n." Sidney mumbles with a smile before pulling away and looking up at her.

"Let's get you seated down." Sidney offers as Y/n nods. She slowly helps her sit on the floor, as she couldn't move that much.

"Thank you." Y/n says, her voice still raspy, while breathing heavily, before hearing someone yelling, causing them to flinch because of the sudden and loud sound.

They turn around and see Amber's burned body running to them with a knife. Before any of them could react, a bullet goes through her head, making her drop death in front of them. Sidney stands up and walks next to Gale.

They look towards the provenance of the shot and see Tara.
"I still prefer the Babadook," she says with her hands trembling, as she lightly sniffles.

Sam starts walking to her, slightly struggling as Tara steps closer to meet her. Sam hugs her tightly.

"Are you okay?" Sam moves some hair strands away from her sister's face, while looking at her eyes, making her nod.

"Are you good?" she asks back. Sam nods before bringing her for another hug. Tara buries her head in her shoulder.

"Is Y/n.." Tara mumbles, pulling away from the hug and looking up at her sister.

Sam gives her a slight sad look before pulling her sister toward her. Tara follows her, before being met with her girlfriend on the ground, with dry blood all over her upper body.

Y/n notices her, as a smiles makes its way on both their faces.
"Are you okay?" Tara asks in worry, bending next to her while moving her arms around her.

Y/n avoids the question while hugging her back. "Tara, how are you feeling?" she asks her in a low tone as she places her hand on her head.

"I'm fine. But you didn't answer my question." Tara points out, looking at her in fear tilting her head slightly.
She looks at her eyes, searching for answers, before Y/n places her hand on her cheek.

"Would you forgive me if I ever break a promise?" Y/n asks, making Tara starting to panic as she waits for an answer.

"What? No, no, no. Please, don't say that." Tara fights back tears while leaning closer to her.

"It just hurts so damn much." Y/n looks at her in sadness, before wincing because of moving.
Tara's eyes become glossy as Sidney approaches and bends down to her.

"Y/n, listen. The cops are on their way, as well as the ambulance. Hold on okay?" Sidney tries to reassure her laying her hand on her biceps.
Y/n silently nods before swallowing.

As Y/n was being carried on the stretchers, Tara was already brought in an ambulance. When Tara sees her, a smile appears in her face. Y/n slowly looks at her way, as the other girl waves at her. Y/n slightly smiles at that, and weakly raises her hand to wave back.

On her right, she sees ambulances carrying the twins. Mindy spots her and happily puts her thumb up as Chad does the same, but in a fragile way and with an hospital mask for oxygen.

Y/n gives them a weak thumb up, before being carried in the ambulance with Sidney following her.

"Hi, Y/n." Sidney smiles softly, holding Y/n's hand in hers. Y/n calmly turns to her, as a weak smile tugs in her face.

"Hi," she simply says back with her eyes feeling heavy.

"I just wanted to tell you to take it easy and to recover soon. If you need anything you can tell me." Sidney tells her softly with her smile.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it. Take care of yourself too. I love you." Y/n says in a low tone making Sidney smile at her words.

"I love you, too." Sidney answers happily, as she opens her arms and wraps them around the girl, making sure to not hurt her, as they melt in the hug.

"Actually, can I ask you a favor?" Y/n asks when they pull away, Sidney quickly nods her head, as the lights of the ambulance keeps flashing.

"Can I get Gale's autograph? Please?" Y/n asks, making Sidney chuckle at the question.

"I was not expecting that. But, of course, I'll get you one." Sidney laughs lightly as Y/n smiles at the answer.

"Thank you."

"Anything for you."

I hope you liked it! Istg I can't wait for March. I'll probably make the sequel when the movie comes out :)

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