Talk To Me

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*No One's Pov*

"Seriously, what the hell Kelly?" Shouted Jay as he walked back in.


"You knew and you didn't tell her. None of you told her and yet you had so many chances. She won't even talk to me."

"Oh boo hoo, she won't talk to you!" Shouted Kelly.

"Don't be a prick. She doesn't trust many people and doesn't have that many people and now you've just gone and fucked it all up. Any tears she sheds is on you and your asshole behaviour."

"Hey! Pack it in!" Shouted Brett before she moved Jay away from Kelly.

"She won't trust anyone again. The second you knew, you should've told her. I'm going to try and talk to her. If you want to apologise, I suggest you do it sooner rather than later."

"Jay. I'm sorry bud."

"Apologise to Cass, not me, you twat."

"Hey! Don't call me that!" Shouted Kelly as he bawled his fists up.

"Woah! Calm down, yeah?" Said Violet as she walked in and pushed Kelly away from everyone else.

"Stella, take Kelly for us and calm him down please." Said Hermann.

"Sure thing. C'mon." Said Stella as she pulled him towards the bunk room.

"Jay, I suggest you leave." Said Brett.

"Did you all know?"

"Jay. Leave." Said Boden.

"Answer my question."

"No, they didn't. Some may have remembered and just not said anything but as far as I am aware, it was just Kelly and I."

Jay just nodded and walked out of the kitchen, shoving the doors open and letting them hit the walls.

He got in his truck and drove to Cassie's house straight away. He knocked on the door but got no answer.

"Cass, please. It's me, Jay. I didn't know."

"Cass! I know you are in there. I can hear your music. Talk to me, please. I'm begging you."

The door swung open and Cassie stood there with her hood up and her jaw clenched.

"What don't you understand? I don't want your help and I don't want to talk to you. Leave. Now."

"Cass. I'm not going anywhere."

"Get the hell off my porch!" Shouted Cassie as she pushed him out the door and walked up to him.


"No. Stop." Said Cassie as she pushed him backwards. "You knew something. You didn't tell me. You took me under your wing like I was some lost little puppy when you knew the whole time. So, no! Go away."

She pushed her finger into his chest every time she said the word 'you'. Jay looked at her with tears streaming down his face and allowed her to shove him until he hit the side of his truck.

"Get in your truck and drive away." She said.

"No. I won't let you push me away."

"You don't get to decide that!"

"You don't get to decide when I leave. You don't get to decide when I get in my truck and leave you here. Why don't you get it? I'm not leaving you Cassie, not like everyone else has."

"Do you know how shit it feels to not remember what they looked like? To sit for hours and try to remember what happened that day? Was I at their funeral? Did I cry? There's so many questions running through my head...and you want me to stop and think how this might effect you. You want me to waste my breath arguing with you. I'm trying to tell you to leave me the hell alone."

"Cass, don't push me away when you're hurting."

"You make me hurt. Seeing you every freaking day makes me want to believe that maybe my life can get better. It can't. I've done this for nine years. I'm pretty sure I can live with a few more. I can't have you be in my life for a week and then leave again when they get back. So just leave now because I can't deal with saying a proper goodbye. Not when the time comes. So leave."

"Cassie. I will never leave you. I will fight-"

"I don't want you to."


"I'm sorry, Jay but...I'm not the person you should be saving. I'm not worth it."

"Cassie. Don't do this."

"Bye Jay."

She walked back to her house and shut the door in his face. She left him standing there, questioning himself and trying to think of anything he could've done differently.

Jay tried to drive home with tears clouding his eyes but he eventually had to stop and pull over. He smacked the steering wheel over and over again as he shouted. He didn't stop until he realised where he was.

Hank came running out and ripped open his truck door, pulling him out and engulfing him in a hug. The unit gathered around him and pulled him in for a group hug as he gasped for breath.

"What happened, Jay?"

"I lost her. She's gone. I couldn't save her."


"Cassie. She doesn't want anything to do with me. What have I done?"

"Brett told us. She's angry, Jay. She probably said something she doesn't mean." Reassured Kim.

"There was so much hurt in her voice. I want to hug her and protect her from all the dark corners of the world but she won't let me. I just...I just want her to be safe."

"Go home, Jay. Sleep it off. Will is at home so you won't be alone."

"You don't get it."

"I do, Jay. Erin was the same. She didn't want help until it got so bad that there was nothing she could do."

"I don't want anything bad happening! I can't deal with that and neither can Cassie! She needs me!"

"Not right now. She needs to be alone." Said Hank and helped him into the taxi.

Jay stared out the window the whole ride home and the second he got home, Will was stood there waiting for him. He gave him a hug and then got him to eat something before went to bed.

"Kevin dropped your truck off." Said Will.

"I don't care."

"Jay, stop pushing away the people who care about you. You sound just like Cassie."

"Don't...don't do that."

"Jay, you need a good night sleep. I promise you, Cassie will talk to you again. But for now, she needs space to process whatever is going on in her life and you need sleep. You need to do your job and focus on saving those girls, for that case you are working on."

"Mhm. Night."

In the morning, Jay got up and went straight to work. The case they were working on was becoming harder and harder by the day.

"Another girl was taken." Said Hank as he came out and put the case file on everyone's desks.

"They are skilled." Said Kevin.

"I don't get how no one sees this happening." Said Kim.

"Surely they'll slip up at some point. They have to."

"And if they don't?" Asked Jay.

"Then we're going to need all the help we can get." Said Adam.

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