Party Time!

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*Cassie's Pov*

It had been about two months since I moved in with Jay. He had met Millie and Yaz after we had had a sleepover at the apartment. We got into a little bit of trouble because in the morning, we were skating close to The Hill and Jay caught us. I had to spend the day at the district because of it.

This morning, I had woken up and gone for a run to keep up with my track. I had to miss a couple of practices due to lots of homework and some studying that I had to get done.

I had avoided getting detentions this term and Jay always made sure I was on time to school. Some of the teachers got fired after lying in court, which worked out better for me because it meant I had a fresh start with new teachers. No one to judge me or scold me for literally breathing.

The Principal did give me a late detention but Jay talked it out with her and got her to understand that the traffic was bad.

When I got back from my run this morning, I had a quick shower and got dressed into some jean shorts and a white top.

"Dad, can I hang out with Millie and Yaz today?"

"What will you be doing?"

"Skateboarding and possibly, if you allow me to, to go to a party."

"Skateboarding is fine."

"Can I please go to a party?"


"Why not?"

"Because I said so."

"Everyone is going."

"Exactly. That means drugs and alcohol."

"I would never take drugs, you know that."

"Oh but you'd drink, at fifteen?" Questioned Jay as he raised his eyebrows at me.

"Yes. I've done it before. I bet you've done it plenty of times."

"I haven't."

"Will!" I called out as I looked around for him. He soon came into the kitchen with a smile on his face, carrying his scrubs.

"How many times has Jay snuck out to party?"

"At least ten. Three of which, he was caught for."

"See. Why can't I got to a party?"

"Jay, let her go. Just lay down some rules." Said Will and I stood next to him, nodding my head.


"Why?" I asked.

"Bceause I said so."

"It's just a party. I've been to plenty before."

"Then you know nothing exciting happens."

"C'mon, Jay." Said Will, trying to convince him.

"You've seen what happens at parties. Do you want me to get out case files and show her the pictures?" Said Jay towards Will as he remained seated.

"It's one party." Said Will.

"You don't get a say in this, Will."

"Yes, he does." I argued.

"You are not going to a party and that is final!" Snapped Jay.

"Fine but can I still go out."

"Yeah, if you keep your location on."

"Okay." I agreed before walking off to my bedroom.

I hadn't fully shut my door because I wanted to know what was said from the two of them.

"C'mon, Jay. That wasn't fair."

"You don't get a say in this. I let her slip through my grasp once, I won't let it happen again. They could've killed her, Will. I don't know what I'd do if I never saw her again."

"I understand that but she's still a teenager. Kids go out to parties, they make bad choices in life. You remember that time, you came home high? Dad was pissed."

"Okay. Someone spiked my drink. It's not like I voluntarily took it."

"You put your cup down and picked it back up again. Teach her the right rules and let her go."


"If you keep swaddling her like a baby, you two are going to fall out."

I could never fall out with Jay, not for a long period of time. It would hurt to see him so hurt and it would annoy me. I don't like holding gruges, it gets you no where in life.
I quickly shut my door and called Millie. I had a plan, a stupid one but a very good one.

"Hey, you know that hacking camp you did?" I asked her quietly.

"The one that I was awful at, yeah I remember it."

"Can you at least remember the basics?"

"No. I'm useless, Cassie. Ask Yaz, she was there too. She got into some trouble because she hacked into the police database."

"You're joking, right?"

"No. She's smart as heck, ask her. Can you meet up tomorrow? We are planning on doing the hill."

"The hill? As in the one that I've nearly died twice on."


"Great. I'll look forward to it."

"You can come? What about the party?"

"Yes for the hill but for the party no. That's why I need Yaz and her skills."

"Oh. Good plan but a stupid one."

"I know."

"Great. Meet you soon at the shop."

"Sure. See you then. Eleven?"

"Yep. Nice and early."

"Early? God, what time is your late?"

"I'm joking. It's early for a Saturday though.

I was able to convince Yaz to hack into my phone and show the location of me at home. That way, I could got to the party while Jay and Will were at work and no one would suspect a thing.

We weren't able to do The Hill because I'm pretty sure Jay put patrol cars out there. They were out there, waiting for skaters to go down it.

"It's party time, baby!" Shouted Millie as she walked into my room.

"I know. I'm nearly ready." I said as I put my Jordans on.

I was in a pair of jeans and a crop top with my hair straightened. I grabbed a jumper in case it go too cold but I also had a jacket so I think I should be fine.

"Do you think I'm being an idiot? If I get caught, I won't ever be allowed to leave the house."

"You gotta take risks in life." Said Millie.

"See, this is why you're my best friend. I talk about doing something stupid and you encourage me."

"I know. I love it. Now, let's get going."

I looked down at my phone to see a text from Yaz, telling me that my phone was all set up.

"What time is it?" Sang Millie.

"It's party time!" I shouted as we walked towards Yaz's house.

"I know. I know, Millie. It's party time!" Said Yaz as she came down the steps with Hazel.

Hazel is Yaz's best friend. They've been friends since kindergarten and they help each other out a lot. Yaz struggled with studying last year so Hazel helped her as long as Yaz helped her to get onto the lacrosse team. They are basically like Millie and I.

"Hey, guys." Said Hazel.

"Hey, Hazel. You ready?" I asked.

"Yeah. It's time to party!" She shouted and we all laughed.

Let's just hope this doesn't go wrong.

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