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"Mr Wilson, have you ever seen Cassie in a bad mood or seen that something was off with her?"

"No. She's always smiling in my class. I see her smiling in the corridors. An amazing student."

They are all lying and it's pissing me off as well as the whole unit.

"It's bullshit." Said Cassie under her breath.

"Quiet please." Said the Judge.

"Miss Combs, is she ever late?"

"A lot of the time yes but I always see her with her Starbucks drink. She's late because she goes there before school."

"It's fucking lies! You're all lying your asses off!" Shouted Cassie as she stood up.

I grabbed a hold of her arm to try and get her to sit down but she shook me off.

"Cassie, you need to keep quiet." Said Antonio as he turned around to talk to her.

"Hey! Order in the court!"

"One more outburst from you and you're out. Understand?" Said Bianca Moore, the Judge.

"Yes ma'am."

"Mrs Shawbury?"

"One of the best students. Keeps her head down. Stays out of trouble."

"Oh yeah? What about the times when I'm late? When I argue with teachers? When I've got my hood up and zone out of your class because I can't be asked to listen to your stupid voice anymore!? Huh? Do I look happy then?"

"Cass, what are you doing?" Asked Kim as she turned around.

"Or the time when you had seen me break down in the toilet? Huh? You do absolutely nothing. You useless piece of-"

Millie cut Cassie off by putting her hand over her mouth. Cassie tried to fight against her but Kevin held her hands.

Some cop went to grab a hold of her arm but she shook him off and held her hands up.

"It's okay. I'm leaving. Can't watch this disgrace anymore."

"Miss Mills, please be quiet."

"How is she allowed here?" Asked Wendy towards their lawyer.

"Miss Mills. I am well aware that this case is about you and I have allowed you to sit and watch on one condition, you keep quiet and behave. You are no longer allowed in this court room."

"It's fine. I'm leaving anyway."

"Mr Jamerson?" Asked William.

Cassie stood at the doors to watch the teacher speak but was shoved out by the officer.

"Don't touch me!" She shouted as she pushed him.

*Cassie's Pov*

The officer grabbed my wrists and started to push my head down. His hand wrapped around my waist and I knew he was about to slam me to the ground. I quickly closed my eyes, not wanting to see the ground coming.

"Hey! She's a kid." Shouted Will as he and Sylvie ran down the corridor towards me.

"Yeah and she's been kicked out of the court room for being disruptive." Said the officer as he let me go and pushed me towards Will.

"Cass, what's going on?" Asked Brett as she held my face in her hands.

"This guy is being a jackass." I said as I looked the officer up and down.

"Sorry about her." Said Will before he pulled me down the corridor and away from the doors.

"Cassie?" Asked Brett.

Unwanted (Chicago PD)Where stories live. Discover now