New Family

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It was the day of the first court date. I was nervous and I wasn't even attending it. I was probably going to have to look after Harriet and James while they were gone.

Suddenly, I stopped brushing my hair and slowly opened my bedroom door to hear voices downstairs.

"It's just temporary." I heard someone say.

I don't know who they were but their voice got closer to the stairs. I quickly finished doing my hair and then sat in my bed to act like I wasn't just listening to their conversation.

A small knock travelled through the walls of my bedroom as I looked up at the door. I told whoever it was to come in and they did so.

It was a young woman with brown hair dressed in a pant suit. She had a brown brief case with her and had a kind smile.

"Hi there, Cassandra Mills." She said with a big smile.

"It's Cassie." I said.

"Sorry. Hi, Cassie. How are you?"

"I don't mean to be rude but what's going on?" I asked her.

"Due to you wanting to live with someone else and Jay Halstead wanting to adopt you. I'm not saying it will happen but we don't want Wendy and Steve discussing the case with you or trying to get you to change you mind." She explained as she walked further into my room and shut the door.

"Okay." I said quietly.

"Due to this, you will be moving in with a new family. Just until the case is finished. They take in children under emergency times or times like these. They are very kind and are so happy to take you."

"No." I said towards her.

She was young and didn't look like she had been doing this for long.

"I'm sorry, Cassie but you don't get a choice in this. Maybe if I tell you about them, you'll be happier?" She suggested.


"Okay. So you will be staying with a lovely couple, Helen and Dylan. They are both a bit older but they are so excited to meet you."

I nodded towards her and gave her a smile before I started to pack some clothes into my gym bag.

She left the room while I packed some things and got everything sorted.

I looked at my room, one last time hoping I wouldn't have to see it again until after the case. I went to open the door but stopped when I saw something resting on my bed.

Quickly, I rushed over and picked up the snow tiger teddy that was resting on my pillows. When I was younger, I used to take him everywhere, to sleep overs, to Steve's holiday home but I never took him to the park because I didn't want to lose him or get him dirty. He had a small stitch on his back from a time that he had ripped but Wendy was quick to sew it up.

When did everything go so wrong?

I picked snowy up, that's what I had named him when I was younger, and put him into my bag.

As I walked down the stairs, Harriet and James came out of there rooms and hugged me. I didn't like leaving them but I had to.

I crouched in front of them so the hug was more comfortable for all of us and I could say a proper goodbye.

The lady was waiting by the door for me. She smiled up at me as I came down with my gym bag and school bag.

"Ready to go?" She asked me.


The drive to the house wasn't long. It was a normal looking home, not like the very expensive one I had grown up in but this was my dream. I didn't want to be rich or stay in some fancy property; I wanted to be around someone who actually cared for me.

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