Break Down

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*Cassie's Pov*

I cried for a long time and tried my best to sleep. I wanted to see their faces. I wanted to remember what they looked like but it was no use.

I have no motivation to do anything. But I had to go to school because Wendy was already lecturing me for missing Friday. I called in sick and they believed me. I even told Steve I was sick and he actually believed me or maybe he just doesn't care anymore.

Maybe when they get back, they'll just get rid of me. One can hope.

I got into school late with my head phones on under my hood. Miss Combs, the lady at reception, pulled my hood down and grabbed my chin. I pushed her hand away from my face and she just shook her head before writing me a note.

She handed it to me and I looked down to see it was a detention at lunch and a meeting with the principal at break. I screwed them both up and shoved them into my pocket.

"Hey, Cass. Why are you late?" Asked Mr Jamerson.

"I'm not in the mood, Sir."

"That okay. Just write your name on this sheet. I'll compete it for you."

"You're a legend, you know that?"

"Oh I've been told."

"Where's Millie?"

"I thought you would know that."


"Cassie, what's going on? I've never seen you like this. Eyes red and puffy. You haven't slept."

"Bad news." I said and rested my head on my arms.

He sat down in front of me and lifted my hood up a bit.

"Sorry, I'm late sir. I' know what, I'm not gonna lie. I'm hungover."

"That's great, Millie. Take a seat and start this worksheet."

"Alright. Hey, what's up, Cass?"


Mr Jamerson placed his hand on my shoulder to tell me that he was there for me before he left and went to help a student with their work.

"Yo, C and M. I got a party at my house for new years. You up for it?" Said Luke as he sat in front of us.

"Woah. Are you okay?" He asked me.

"I'm fine but I can't make it to your party."

"Me either. Cass and I normally sit on a roof and get drunk." Said Millie and I let out a small laugh.

"I see that smile, Cass. No sweat. See you around."

I was sat in an English Study session when my stomach started to rumble. I tried to wrap my arms around my stomach and stop it from making noise but it was no use. The loud grumble travelled through the room, causing people to turn around and look at others.

I even turned around to pretend it wasn't me but when I turned back, a boy was leaning on my desk.

"Shut up, yeah? Some of us are trying to study."

"It wasn't me." I lied as my stomach started to rumble more.

As soon as that class was done, I grabbed my bag and ran out of the room. I ran towards Millie's locker and smacked my head against it.

"Please kill me." I said towards her.

"What happened? Well, other than you smacking your head on my locker."

"My stomach rumbled in front of the entire class. Erik got annoyed with me for it and I think everyone hates me now."

"No one hates you. Here, eat this." She said and handed me her sandwich.

"Thank you for the offer but I'm not exactly hungry at the moment."

"Your stomach tells me otherwise." She said as she got on her knees and began to talk to my stomach like I was a pregnant lady.

I hit her on the head with my hand and then pulled her up.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm just listening to your stomach beg for food."

"It's not begging."

"Are you sure because I'm pretty sure it's shouting at me?" She said and looked down.

I pulled her face up and let out a laugh as she nudged me.

"C'mon you need to eat. This isn't because of what Wendy said is it?"

"No. Everything Wendy and Steve say is bullshit."

"We already knew that. What's going on?"

"Don't worry about it."

"I'm not dropping it."

"Please just leave it."

"C'mon, we'll talk in here." She said as she yanked my arm and pulled us both into the bathroom.

"Millie, that the time? I should probably get going."

"You've been late before. You can be late again. Don't push me away." Millie said as she looked up at me and raised her eyebrows.

"Millie, it's really nothing."

"Listen to me, I have known you since you were ten! I know when you are lying and I know when something is bothering you. So don't you dare stand there and lie to my face. What is going on?"

"Wow. Your small but fierce." I laughed as I looked down at her and tried my best not to cry.

"Why are you crying?" She asked and at that point, I just lost it.

Millie held me as I broke down in her arms. We were sat on the bathroom floor as I cried my eyes out and Millie comforted me.

"They're gone."

"Who are?"

"My p-parents. They died. In a car accident when I was six. I don't remember it. Some things come back but the rest is a blur. I don't remember them or what they looked like. Wendy and Steve lied to me. I...I always thought I wasn't wanted."

"Hey, it's okay. I'm sure we can find a picture of them. I'm so sorry." She said and held me.

"You have to eat though. I get it hurts but you need to eat."

"I'm fine. I'm gonna head home."

"Are you sure? I can go home with you if you want."

"No. You are failing science and you need to pass it this year so you aren't behind next year or the year after that."

"I did not need to be reminded of that."


"It's fine. Love you. Get home safe, yeah? And eat. Please."

"I will. Love ya." I said as I stood up and helped her up off of the floor.

"You young ladies are late!" Shouted Miss Combs.

"Actually, only Millie is late. I'm out of here."

"You can't just leave. Wendy paid for this."

"She actually spent money on me? I'm shocked."

"Miss Mills, don't you dare walk out that gate."

"Don't worry, I won't. I'll skate instead." I said with a smile as I threw my skateboard down and pushed off.

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