To Family

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"Cassie, what you did was out of line."

"No. You were out of line! I've been to plenty of parties before, I know the rules. Don't put your drink down and if you do, get a new one. Get your own drink. I know the rules, Dad."

"I'm trying to protect you and I'm also a cop. What am I meant to say when the party gets raided and your ass is dragged into a jail cell. That puts me in a tough spot."

"I'm ever so sorry that you are at risk of losing your job but it was one party. You should've known that I would sneak out. It's what I do. I don't listen to people."

"No. You don't listen to people but you listen to family. I know you do. Why did you go behind my back?"

"Because it was a party. I asked to go and you said no. I'm not going to miss out on a party."

"I said no because it isn't safe. I know what happens at parties."

"Yeah and if you really knew me, then you would know that I'm safe when it comes to parties and serious stuff."

"I am trying to protect you!"

"I don't need protecting! I was fine on my own for nine years. I'm sure I can deal with a few more."

The room fell silent and Jay just stood there, staring at me, with tears in his eyes. What am I doing?

"You don't want me! Just admit it! I'm just another case that fell in your fucking lap."

"Hey, no. Don't say that. You are more than some stupid case."

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not. I'm not lying, Cassie. You are so much more. Please, believe me."

"I'm just another case."

"If you were just another case, do you seriously think I would have risked my life and job for you."

"What are you talking about?"

"I know what you did for the twins. You got Ethan to take something out of the case so they wouldn't have to live without their parents. The second I found out, I stormed over to their house and was about to kick the door down but Hank stopped me. If he hadn't, we wouldn't be sat here right now. Who knows where you would be. That's what hurts me the most. Not having you here."

"I didn't realise."

"I know you don't trust people because everyone has lied to you but I'm not and you know I'm not because I would never do that to you."

"I'm sorry. I'm a mess. I just wanted a night where I could relax and technically celebrate with my friends."

"You wanted to party." Corrected Jay.

"Yeah, I did. If you want to ground me, that's fine."

"Trust me, you're definitely grounded."

"For how long?"

"A week."

"A week? Are you serious?"

"Don't argue with me, Cassie."

"I'm not, I just think it's a little extreme. Don't you?"

"No. You didn't listen and you snuck out."

I started to walk towards my bedroom but stopped when Jay started talking again.

"Not to mention that you and your mates were going to do that hill that I've banned you from doing."

"I wasn't at the hill earlier today."

"No? So this isn't you?" He asked as he stepped towards me and showed me a picture on his phone.

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