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*Cassie's Pov*

We were sat around the table, waiting for someone to speak.

Helen had made us some drinks and placed them in front of us. I kept fiddling with my jumper because I was nervous. I had said some things that I haven't even told Jay.

"I'm so sorry, Helen. My behaviour was rude and disrespectful. I have purposely been home late everyday this week because I wanted you guys to actually do something. I wanted you to ground me or something. You've been treating me like a really fragile piece of art and it's been getting on my nerves."

"Cassie, as you know, we take on a lot of kids when court cases come up or when foster family situations fall through. Sometimes we also look after them for small amounts of time until they are adopted. We don't know their full background or what their home was like before us so we avoid shouting. I'm sorry you've been feeling that way but we could've solved it with a conversation."

"Any conversation I've tried to have where I have my own opinion, usually gets dismissed or Wendy would encourage everyone to laugh about. For example, when the dishwasher broke. They were trying to look for a new one and they didn't know who would do the washing up because of everyones busy schedule. I suggested that we take turns and make an order. That was dismissed very quickly and I was told that I had to do it."

"You can talk to us about anything and I mean anything." Said Helen.

"You are talking about the wall thing."

"Wow. You would make a great detective one day, you can pick out little details." Said Dylan.

"Thanks." I said with a small smile.

"What happened, Cassie? Did they hit you?"

"No. Something happened and Wendy got angry. pushed me into a wall and I smacked my back. I think the bruise is still healing. I told a doctor that I fell down the stairs because they made me believe that I slipped. They told me to tell anyone who asked, that I had slipped."

"Can I see the bruise?" Asked Helen.

I took off my jumper so she could see the bruise. I was only wearing a sports bra underneath so Dylan politely turned around and looked away.

"That looks bad, Cassie. You should talk to the doctor, get him to include it in the case."


"Teachers are speaking tomorrow." Said Dylan.

"They are?"


"Great. I'm just going to be slated at how late I always am."

"You don't have to go."

"No, I want to. I want to see Jay and Will and the unit. I want to see my family."

"Okay. We'll drop you off in the morning."

"Thank you. I'm sorry about tonight."

"It's fine but if you are late anymore this week, you will be grounded."

"Yes Sir." I jokingly said towards Dylan.

"Ah, no. Don't say that, makes me feel old." He laughed.

*Hank's Pov*

It was another court day and I could tell Jay found it draining. He thought it was going to be easy but so far, the case is failing. There is no reason why Cassie shouldn't be in their care but they are all failing to see that she isn't happy. She hasn't even turned up to court. Surely, that's a big giveaway.

"Is she here?" Asked Jay as he started to fiddle with his tie.

"Okay, Jay, J-Jay! Leave the tie alone." I said as I raised my voice a little.

"I'm worried about her. I haven't seen her. What if she's hurt?"

"Kelly talked to her yesterday. She misses you."

"Did she say that?"

"Yeah. She called him at night and asked him to pass the message on."

"Morning, guys. Are you ready?" Asked Antonio as he joined us.

"Yep." Sighed Jay as he rubbed his hand over his face.

"Chloe, how are you this morning?" Asked Jay towards his lawyer.

"Good. You ready?"

"Mhm." He hummed.

"Let's go." She said.

I grabbed Jay's arm quickly and got him to turn around. Cassie was walking down the corridor with Millie by her side.

Jay gave her a small smile and she mouthed back a 'hey' before she walked over to where Kim and Adam were. They both gave her a hug as she smiled.

They were having a conversation, most likely to catch her up on everything that had happened. She was listening for so long until her eyes drifted over to Jay and where he was standing. He gave her a smile before turning his attention back to Chloe.

"How you doing, kid?" I asked her.

"Good. Not looking forward to this one."


"Because you lot get to learn how I really am at school."

"I'm sure it will be fine. We should head in and get a seat." Said Kim.

We walked in together but Mille and Cassie sat behind me and the unit. I turned around and squeezed her leg to tell her that we were there for her.

Her face looked very pasty and she looked like she was about to throw up any second. Her knees were bouncing up and down as her hands shook and tears formed in her eyes.

"Sorry." She repeated to the people she had to squeeze past.

She stepped out of the door and I could instantly see her grab her chest. I got out of my seat and followed her out. Jay turned around to see her leave and went to get up but Chloe knocked some sense into him.

"Hank, I'm fine. Really." She said.

"No, you're not."

"I am. I promise."

"Just breathe."

"I-I want to go on the stand. I want to talk to Chloe and...and I want her to put me up there. I want to explain my side of the story."

"You're not thinking straight. Why don't we just take a seat so you can catch your breath?" I suggested.

"Go and be there for Jay. I just need a few minutes."

"I'm not leaving you."

"Please, Hank."

I reluctantly left her but there was nothing I could do. She didn't want me to be around her. Maybe I should've just stayed with her. It's what Jay would do, right? He didn't let her push him away and I shouldn't.

I went to get out of my seat but she came back in and sat down next to Millie. Kevin moved next to her on the other side so we would stay calm.

"Welcome back Ladies and Gentlemen. We'll be starting off with William's talk."

"I would like to bring a few witnesses to the stand. Cassandra Mills' teachers." Said William, Wendy and Steve's lawyer.

"This is gonna be fun." Said Cassie as she put her head down.

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