Given up

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Hank and Kevin were holding me back as I tried to move forward. Antonio was trying to calm down Adam from attacking me and Kim was telling him that it was fine and that he needed to cool it.

"You should've organised better and set up a meeting. Chloe had also put me on her witness list. But she decided to actually plan answers and prepare."

"You are supposed to be helping us. Not them."

"If you didn't realise already, I don't want to live with Wendy and Steve, William."

As soon as the name William, left Cassie's mouth, a loud slap travelled through the corridor.

Hank quickly let me go as Steve and I ran towards William. We grabbed him by his arms and through him against the wall, keeping him there until we could get an officer to arrest him.

Cassie was frozen in her spot and didn't move, not even when Kevin jogged over and crouched to her height. However, she did slowly look down but she was shaking and unaware of what was happening around her, due to shock.

Hank walked over to an officer and got him to come down as quick as possible before one of us did anything to William that we would regret.

We both turned to look at Cassie's face and to say we were shocked was an understatement. Steve swung for William, taking him down to the floor and Antonio had to step in. He held back Steve while I kept a hold of William.

An officer came over, followed by Hank and handed him a pair of cuffs. Hank put the cuffs on Steve and the officer arrested William.

*No One's Pov*

"Kev, take Cassie to the hospital." Said Jay.

"Alright. C'mon Cassie."

Cassie still stood frozen in her spot and refused to move. Hank crouched down in front of her and got her to look down at him. She slowly moved her teary eyes down to look at him.

"Cassie, it's okay. I'm going to take you to the hospital." Said Hank.

"I thought Kev-"

"Yeah I'm coming too." Said Kevin.

"Okay." Said Cassie as she followed Hank out of the building and had Kevin close behind her.

When they reached the hospital, Cassie was back to her normal self but was still a little shakey.

"Cassie, another skateboarding injury?" Questioned Will.

"Are you sure you know how to skate, you seem to be falling off a lot?" Asked Ethan as he let out a laugh but immediately stopped when he saw her face.

He ran over and cupped her face in his hand as she began to cry.

"Hey, shh. It's okay. Let's get you checked out." He said and led her to a room.

"What happened? Did Steve do this?"

"No." She mumbled as she played with the sleeves on her jumper.

"What's going on, Cassie?"

"I just want this case to be over. I want to be living with Jay. I don't want to keep seeing Wendy's disappointed face every time I breathe."

"Hey, it will be over soon, I promise. You aren't a disappointment so get that out of your head. Let me get you some ice."

The next few days had ran smoothly, William stayed on as Wendy and Steve's Lawyer even though they really didn't want him but unfortunately, there wasn't time to get a new one and fill them in on the case.

Cassie had been out over the weekend with Millie but today she had decided to go out by herself.

She was skating around a fairly safe neighbourhood that she knew quite well when a white van pulled up along side of her. The speed of the van started to slow and she finally noticed that they had no number plate and most of the windows were blacked out or tinted.

She picked up her pace until she knew it was no use and got off the board. She dropped it and started to run, hoping that if anything was to happen, someone could find the board and then her.

Cassie didn't make it very far as three masked men hopped out of the sliding door and grabbed at her. They dragged her to the van and threw her in with another guy. She went to scream but a cloth was pushed into her mouth, which she quickly spat out.

"Just keep quiet otherwise it goes back in." Said one of the guys with a very gruff voice.

"We've been trying to catch you for a while, little mouse." Snarled one as he ran his hand through her hair.

"Don't touch her, Zac. Give me the tablet so I can tick her off the list." Said the very gruffly voiced one.

"Here you go, Henry." He said and handed him the tablet.

Henry looked down at the tablet before he raised his head and squinted his eyes at Cassie. He got closer to her face before he looked worried.

"Boss, we got the wrong girl." He said.

"Might as well keep her. Surely someone will take her." He said as he picked up his pace.

Cassie's back slammed against the side of the van as she looked at them in horror. Her head hit the side as the boss carelessly drove into a pothole. She looked at each of the men as they took their masks off and that was when she realised that they were the ones who had been kidnapping girls for months and taking them to different countries. It was the case that the Unit was struggling with.

Maybe Cassie was right to not accept help from Jay because nothing good ever comes out of it. Maybe Cassie is just supposed to be alone and unwanted.

She tried to sneakily grab her phone out of her pocket and send an SOS message but Henry spotted it and grabbed her hand. He twisted it, causing her to drop the phone but Cassie knew she had to fight back.

She brought her leg up and kicked his wrist, causing him to let go of her. The other guys were sat there watching as Cassie attacked their mate.

Zac started to film but Cassie kicked him in face, making him drop it. Zac got angry and grabbed a hold of her jacket before he wrapped his arm around her throat and put her in a non lethal choke hold. He held her so Henry could get his own back. He punched her in the stomach before their boss slammed on the breaks. The van skidded from side to side before coming to a final halt.

"Don't touch her. We want her alive and somewhat good looking. It will make us more money. She's a pretty little thing, surely someone will take her." Said Jamie, the boss.

"Please, just drop me off in the middle of nowhere."

"Sorry sweetheart, it ain't gonna happen."

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