Chapter 6: The Morning Tree

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I am a massive idiot and I mistaked the Na'vi word for a Metkayina home "maruis" for "Māori" an indigenous Polynesian group of people from New Zealand 🤦🏽‍♀️. I will be going back to edit where I used the term incorrectly, sorry if that offended anyone. I'm gonna fix it anyways...onto the show!

Also play the music for a more immersive experience 💙

The air was still, the light new and just beginning to peek over the horizon and in between the intricate weavings over the Māori onto my face.

The light bugged my eyes and beckoned me to wake up. I clutched my blanket, and began to brace myself for the same mental argument I have everyday: should I sleep in?

I've only ever slept in twice in my entire life. Once when I fractured my tail and second when Father had his accident, four days after to be exact. I hadn't slept at all and once he finally woke up, I closed my eyes for two days.

I can't bring myself to do it anymore. Even though I dislike waking up so much. There's nothing I hate more than waking up from a good nights sleep, as rare as that is these days.

Like always, the guilt overpowers my natural inclination to my dismay and I swiftly lifted my back up from the plump pillow and stretch my lanky limbs.

As I stretched, Father squirmed a little across the room in his double pillowed futon, he won't be awake for another hour.

I made my way across the room and fix the blanket on his shoulders to tuck it over his shoulders and limp legs.

In his slumber, he contently smilesd.


The morning breeze began to sway through my braided locks as I tied my hair into a tail. I stared out from the jetty port to see my favorite part of the morning, which made them more tolerable.

The eclipse reverting revealing the light again.

The sky became much bluer, still pale from the long darkness previously, but a beautiful morning sight nonetheless.

I deeply sigh  "Thank you, Great Mother." 

"You're very welcome, Kaia." an ambient echoe replied.

"Of course...wait what!? I jolted.

To my "delight", I find a laughing Neteyam with his hands cuffed around his mouth.

I face palmed as he let out a hearty laugh.

"What are you doing here?" I sharply inquired, slightly embarrassed that I actually responded to his impression.

"I could ask you the same thing, kid. It's 4:00 in the morning." Neteyam quickly retorted as he curiously circled the jetty port saddle holders.

He gave each of the distinct saddles a thoughtful gaze. These were used to properly mount an Ilu.

"I asked you first." I challenged "Your diving lesson with Tsireya and the others isn't for another four hours."

"I got up early to explore a little." Neteyam idly responded as he fiddled with a leather sash attached to an unsuspecting Metkayina members saddle.

"I didn't get to see much when we first arrived." The blue teen added "What with all the unpacking and such."

He then flicked a brow and gave me a cheeky smirk through the vine-like stands coming out of the saddle holders.

"And then I saw you up and about like a crazy person and thought 'I wonder why she's awake?'" He pondered comically.

I rolled my eyes.

The River Tree  (Neteyam x Metkayina OC)Where stories live. Discover now