Chapter 7: The Steady Waters

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"I've no idea how your hands fall off." Neteyam grunted as he stroked his now calloused hands.

"You only tied fifteen." I observed, as I scoped the red blisters forming on his pale blue hands as we made our way through the village path, the eclipse now fully gone and the village bustling.

"And yet I've already got one popping." Neteyam winced as he rubbed the tough skin "I don't know how you do this everyday."

"Eventually, your callouses get tougher." I explained gesturing to my tough skinned hands "It won't hurt anymore."

Neteyam squinted at my flat blisters and grazed over his own causing him to wince in pain.

"Especially, if you quit picking at it." I dryly affirmed as the cerulean teen continued to rub his hands.

"Heh, You might have a point." He chuckled, stretching his arms and then resting them on his head "So what now?"

"Well, since we already collected the fallen bark...I have to go fishing in the tide..." I began, awkwardly shifting legs.

"Oh cool! So what's that like?" Neteyam excitedly asked, his tail wagging slightly.

" have your first diving lesson in like...ten minutes." I cut off  "You have to go meet Tsireya and the others"

Neteyam's smile dwindled a little as he sighed "That's true." He disappointingly observed.

"What's wrong with you?" I curiously asked.

"Oh nothing, I just had a lot of fun with you. I kind of wanted to hang out more." He sweetly said with a coated accent "Will you be at the lessons at some point?"

It was that same feeling from before. My heart feeling some kind of pull. But I had no intention on giving in anymore than I already have.

"I'm not sure." I shrugged my shoulders "I wasn't assigned to your know."

I had an uncharacteristic hesitation to my words. I could sense that he noticed it too.

"Ah ok." Neteyam briskly nodded his head "So I'll be seeing you."

"Yeah yeah...maybe." I awkwardly assured, my feet swaying in place slightly.

"Thanks for letting me tag along, it was a good experience." Neteyam said holding his hands up and brandishing his slightly bloodied hands with a cheesy grin.

"Yeah no worries." I replied beginning to step away towards "Don't pick at them."

Neteyam gave me a hearty laugh and I quickly turned away and began to quickened my pace towards the port. Something was seriously off about this whole thing. Not necessarily his behavior but mine.

What is this feeling called? I couldn't give it a label. And I couldn't seem to define it.

That was the weirdest part. Almost like an instant complacency with his presence.

"Oh wait!" I heard his voice call again. I turned to see his slightly embarrassed face.

"So I actually don't know what side of the reef they wanted to meet at" He explained "I'm sorry I know you have to work but can you tell me which way I'm supposed to go, please?"

"Oh." I realized.

Then the most terrible conclusion I could come to struck my head.

He wouldn't know where to go. The only reason he was at the jetty port was because he saw me from afar. I then came to the unbearable realization that he wouldn't understand a single direction or landmark that I'd give him. Even worse, he needed to be at the lesson or the blame would immediately fall on Tisreya and Announg for not beginning his training on time.

The River Tree  (Neteyam x Metkayina OC)Where stories live. Discover now