Chapter 15: The Something of Nothing

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Disclaimer: The photo above is the cave I try to describe in this chapter. Buckle up cuz it's a long one boys.
Also play the music when I give you the sign for a more immersive experience.

I was surrounded.

Above me, the thundering sky spilling with thick clouds laughing with jump we took.

Beneath me, the cold laughing waves rattling against my Ilu's and my skin as pushed forward past each hurdle.

Beside me, Neteyam, equally struggling just as much but ten times more angry and fearful than the storm above.

And these were just the outskirts. We hadn't even arrived yet.

With each jump and chilling blow of the howling wind, I felt my core shiver and my back desperately wanting to turn back.

And if I was struggling, I knew my Ilu definitely was and without a doubt Neteyam's as well.

"Neteyam!" I called upon my head breaking from the water "It's too much!"

Neteyam upon hearing his name, turned "How much more until we're there?"

"It's still...bleh..." A received a salty mouthful of water "...a long way to go. We need to turn back for now!"

"What?!" Neteyam shouted back "I can't hear you!"

"Huh?!" I responded back.

"I said I-" Neteyam began.

"Just follow me!" I shouted before swiftly turning directions, no longer fighting the current.

After dunking underwater, I turned my head to make sure Neteyam was following and sure enough he was.

"This shortcut?" He signed with one hand.

"Just follow." I signed back. He responded by lifting a thumb up.

No clue what that means but he wasn't disagreeing so I guess we're good.

I beckoned my Ilu to weave through the dark coral structures as I wondered if Neteyam would kill me if he knew I was taking him away from the direction of his brother.


Upon arrival, I breathed a sigh of relief to see that the structure wasn't flooded. The storm waters hadn't reached this place.

Three brothers rocks is part of series of massive naturally formed rock structures you find before heading into the open sea. Off the coast of mangrove trees we reside in, were the same structures, only they were hollow and created a cave like feeling.

Inside these caves loomed a ambient silence. The steady pitter-patter of soft droplets racing off the overhead rocks. Because of their enclosed design, it and it's waters are exceedingly warm which makes it an excellent resting zone for travelers caught within a storm or looking to rest on a quest for trades with other water clans.

A true sanctuary, but Neteyam didn't seem to think so.

"W-what are we doing here?" Neteyam nervously asked upon emerging from the water, his Ilu excitedly speaking upon feeling the warm water caress
her fins.

"The storm was too dangerous." I explained, taking the saddle off my Ilu "We never would've made it in those conditions."

"What?!" Neteyam yelled "That's why we stopped?!"

"Look man, it's just protocol. Even warriors don't ride in storms like that, it's just not ethical." I tried convincing as I wrung the freezing water out of my hair, a loud splash echoing within the cave.

The River Tree  (Neteyam x Metkayina OC)Where stories live. Discover now