Chapter 21: The Two Comrades

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Disclaimer: It's been awhile! I recommend reading the last four chapters again to understand this one!

I thought extra sleep was the finest form of pleasure one could experience. The refreshing rush of energy present when you feel rested is as cooling as a chilly wave on a hot day and changes you. Everything becomes straightened and readjusted. There's peace and sense in the world, the kind of sense you thought you'd never comfortably find.

Stranger still, you can find this cooling feeling in warmth. The warmth of a beautiful embrace. Now that truly is a different kind of clarity. One that I was desperately craving again this particular morning. This time, the emotion was very poorly being hidden and Father was annoyingly aware of it.

"You ok there, Kaia?" Father idly inquired, poking my cheek.

The sun was brushing against my badly hidden smirk as picked at the salted sardines sloppily layer on a leaf wrap. Quickly, I scratched my head and cleared my throat.

"Yes, Father. I'm...ahem...all good." I awkwardly shuffled the leaf wrap in my hands, taking a shivery bite.

"You look quite cheery this morning." Father noted, with a deep smirk.

"Well, it's a good day. Suns out. Water's clear. Sky's blue...heh blue." I sighed and...giggled?

"What was that?" Father asked, perfectly aware of the girlish sound that escaped my mouth.

"Eh um...too. Sky's clear too." I coughed "Yeah nice sky...I'm going to work." I hastily quipped.

"But you didn't even finish your food." Father gestured to the half eaten leaf wrap dropped ok the floor.

"Bye father." I quickly said. Zipping out of the mauri and onto the path before he interrogated further.

Once I was sure I was out of sight, a knocked my forehead briskly and hissed through my teeth.

"Get it together!" I scolded myself, still feeling a warm flow filling my cheeks.

However, I knew the thought would most likely remain for the rest of the day.

This was futile.

I quickly recollected myself and reached for my hunting harpoon that was drying outside the entrance of the mauri.

"Ok ok ok." I reassured myself "No more distractions."

With a swift shake of my tail, I confidently made my way towards the jetty port.

And then swiftly turned back the other way as I realized I was going the wrong way.

Lost in "thought."


I hadn't spoken to Aunnong since the Lo'ak incident. Both Lo'ak incidents.

Since then, if for whatever reason we passed my eachtoher, not so much as a hiss was made.

I think our "relationship" had changed. To him, I had betrayed my clan for the Sully's and to me, he was being hateful and prejudiced to them and me.

There was a change that neither one of us seemed to willing to acknowledge.

Eventually, I knew it would need to be addressed.

Weather it meant the violence would only increase from here on out or we would simply cease all interaction, it was fine with me.

I could take a lousy punch.

But this time I wasn't sure if that's what I wanted.

I was aware that we still had to work with each other. Until death, unfortunately, I'd be stuck in these waters with Aunnong.

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