Chapter One

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John was driving through the rain as Dean hummed softly and looked out the window. Sam was in the back reading when they came to the house where the Vampires lived. They broke in and stopped as they saw a man in a black and blue suit. "Who are you?" Dean asked as four more came down. "What do you think you're doing breaking into this house?" Batman asked as John sighed. "Well believe it or not there are vampires living here." He said. "And if we don't stop them then innocent people will die. Would you like that?" Sam asked. "They do have a point father." Bruce was conflicted but complied as they all went in.

"We haven't done anything wrong." Your sister cried. "Maybe not yet, but you will." John said. Jason noticed that the whole family kept on looking upstairs. "What's upstairs?" Castiel appeared as they all jumped. "Hey Cas." Dean said. "Anyway we ask again." Sam said. "Nothing, it's just us." Your dad said. "Mom, don't." Your sister cried as John growled. He grabbed your mom by the hair and Dean and Sam killed your family.

"No please he hasn't had a drop of blood in his life. He's different, please don't hurt him, he has never been outside." She cried. "Who is?" Tim asked. She didn't speak as Dick opened the door. What they saw was nothing they had ever seen. In the bed was a boy, well he was gorgeous. The covers had rolled off your body and they could see soft un touched s/c skin. Your wings were so beautiful and John covered your mothers mouth so she didn't wake you. They was all thinking the same thing. This boy was going to be theirs. The Winchesters and Castiel all glared at the Batfamily. "He's coming with us." They all said as they all glared at each other.

"We found him first." Jason said. "Well you wouldn't have even known about them if it wasn't for us." Sam snapped. "Why don't we just share?" Tim said. They all looked at each other as your mom whimpered. John looked at her and got a knife and killed her. You stirred and whimpered as your eyes opened making all the men stop and man was you gorgeous.

Jason made his way behind you and jabbed something in your neck. They cleaned up any evidence before you were put in the batmobile. "So we're living in Wayne Manor?" Dean asked. "Yeah ever since the bunker got blown up we have nowhere to go." Sam said. They pulled into the batcave and were looking amazed at all of the stuff. You groaned as your eyes fluttered open. You yawned and looked around. Your wings opened slightly as you stretched. You noticed that this wasn't your room. "Where am I?" You mumbled as you got up. You opened the door and wrapped your wings around yourself and made your way down the halls. You came to a staircase and were walking down when you stopped. You saw nine men looking up at you making you whimper.

"Morning Angel." A guy with brown hair and blue eyes said. "Who are you guys? Where's my family." You asked and your heart started to beat faster with fear as a tall man with black hair and blue eyes walked up to you. Your tail swished as you moved back. "Don't worry baby we ain't gonna hurt you." He said and gently grabbed your hand. They took you to a table and you were so confused. "You're gonna be ours little one." John said. You then spread out your wings a little and then looked back at them before you remembered what your mom and dad said. "No." You said and got up. "Where are you going darling?" Sam asked. "You're not taking my wings." You tried to get out but you gasped as the Iron burnt your hand.

"We're not after your wings sweetheart. Sit down." Castiel said and you obliged as he was really sweet. "Why did you kill my family? They did nothing wrong." You were crying as they sighed. "You'll learn soon enough." John said as Bruce nodded. "Now come on, let's eat." Dick said as they ordered pizza. You were eating when you got a really weird feeling. You were hungry but you were eating and you felt full. "You alright sweetheart?" Dean asked as you looked away. "I don't know." Your blue eyes turned red as you whimpered. "Didn't his mom tell us he hasn't had a drop of blood all his life?" Tim asked.

You were surprised as they all looked at you and tried to get to you. You were placed on Damians lap. "What's going on?" You asked as he bared his neck to you. You had no idea what was going on. He pushed your face in his neck as you sniffed his scent before having the urge to bite down and drink his blood. "It's ok baby come on. It will make you feel good." You heard him whisper as you closed your eyes and bit down and sucked. Damian groaned as it made him feel good. You pulled back as blood ran down your chin. You licked your lips and your eyes returned back to normal.

Your wings fluttered as you felt Castiel touching them. "They are so beautiful." He whispered. "Can I go home?" You asked just wanting to be with your family. "What do you mean baby? You are home." Dean said as you whimpered knowing that you were never going to see them again. You were in the hands of them and you didn't understand why they wanted you and why they killed your family.

It began to rain as you looked out the window. This was definitely different then the dirty alley you were so used to seeing. You sighed and felt someone pick you up. You gasped and wrapped your arms around their neck and turned your head as your wings fluttered. You saw that it was Castiel and he smiled softly down at you.

"Come on darling, it's late." He said and you nodded as he took you to a room and it looked nice. He got undressed and you looked away. He got into bed with you and wrapped his arms around you as you just wanted to get away. "You have me tonight and then you're going to have Dick." He said softly. "What do you all want with me?" You asked the angel. "We fell in love with you Y/N. You're so beautiful. You're special." He whispered as he kissed your neck. "What, like a family?" You asked and he chuckled. "More than a family. Hush now, sleep." He said and you didn't understand what he meant as you yawned and wrapped your wings around you and fell asleep. Not realizing that you was going to go through hell...

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