Chapter Six

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"Hey, I was wondering if we could go on a date?" Jack asked as he rubbed the back of his neck. You smiled and stood up wrapping your arms around his neck and kissed him softly. "I'd like that Jack." You said. You got one of Jack's friends to watch the kids and you were sitting in a restaurant. You smiled and you and Jack ate and talked. "Y/N this may sound crazy but will you marry me?" Your eyes widened as Jack was on one knee and had a black box with a ring. "Yes." You said without no hesitation.

He smiled as everyone in the restaurant congratulated you both. You were on your way home as you thanked Jack's friend and you told the kids that you were getting married. They were so happy. They loved Jack and they were happy that you were happy. You stood in the doorway as Jack had just finished reading to the kids and they were fast asleep. You both sat down and you leaned your head on his shoulder.

You both didn't want a big fancy wedding so you had a small quick wedding. "I can't believe we're married." You said as you swung your arms. Jack smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." You smiled back and kissed him softly. You gasped as he picked you up bridal style. "Now my parents won't be back with the kids until 5 so why don't me and you have some alone time?" He smirked as you winked and he headed up to the bedroom.

Alex was coloring in the front garden while his sister and brother played catch. A black car stopped right in front of them, making them look up. "Daddies." Lily gasped as she ran to Dean who picked her up. "OMG honey we thought we lost you." Dean said.

Sam picked up Max and hugged him as Alex didn't move. "Hey Alex." Bruce smiled and went to pick his son up but Alex whimpered and got up running inside. Jack picked his son up and walked outside to see men and two of them were holding his son and daughter. "What the fuck do you think your doing?" He asked as Alex buried his face in Jack's neck. "Who are you?" Damian asked. "I should ask you the same question." Jack said. "Honey what's going on?" You came out and the group growled as they saw the wedding ring on yours and Jack's finger. "No." You yelled as Jason grabbed Jack and shot him. You tried to grab your kids but got held back by Dick.

"No please no this can't be happening Jack." You tried to get to your now dead husband but Dick wouldn't let you. "I was finally happy, why can't you all let me be happy?" You screamed as John jabbed something into your neck. "Papa. Daddy." Alex got picked up as he screamed and kicked trying to reach for Jack and you.

"He was not your daddy, we are not him Alex don't worry you're all coming home where you belong." Dean said as Cas held Lily tight. You groaned as your eyes fluttered open. You were lying in a bed and a body was next to you. You sighed with relief. It was just a dream. You smiled and got under the covers and licked down his abbs and got to his cock. You put his cock in your mouth making your husband groan. You felt a hand on your head and it pushed you down his length.

You smiled as you bobbed your head up and down feeling your own cock harden between your soft thighs. You rubbed your thighs together and moaned.

"Oh baby." Wait, that doesn't sound like Jack. You sat up and your face paled as you saw Jason smirking down at you. "I have to admit it's a good start but this is not getting you out of your punishment." He said and you quickly got up and ran to the door. "Oh no you don't. Now we have all decided that the kids are going to start school today. Sam and Cas have already left with them." He said getting up and walking to you.

You looked up at him as his hard cock was in your face. "Now finish what you started." He smirked and shoved his cock down your throat.

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