Chapter Thirteen

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You were watching a movie with the kids when John walked in and sat next to you. He put his arm behind your head on the couch and you leaned your head on his shoulder and looked up at him. He smiled down at you and kissed your head. You gave a fake smile and began to watch the movie again. John was asleep by the time the movie had finished as you looked at him and for some reason you felt something inside of you feel warm. You covered him with a blanket and moved some hair from his face. You quickly shook your head and stood up as you made your way upstairs.

You walked past Bruce's office and stopped as you looked inside and saw that he was fast asleep with a pen in his hand and papers over his desk. You smiled softly as you made your way over to him. "Bruce." You said softly as he grumbled before he lifted his head up and looked at you. "Yeah?" He asked, voice deep and raspy.

"You fell asleep at your desk. Come on, let's get you to bed." You said and he yawned as you both made your way to his bedroom. You tucked him into bed and the minute his head touched the pillow he was out. You didn't know what was going on with you but whichever one of the guys you were with you found yourself falling in love with them. You didn't know what to do. You couldn't fall in love with them. They were murderers, they hurt you, hurt your kid, and they killed your family.

You shook your head and glared at yourself in the bathroom mirror. You gripped the edge of the sink making your hands turn white as you sighed.

You decided to have a nice warm bubble bath to clear your mind. But everything you thought of were thoughts of them. Yeah they might have killed people but they were just trying to keep you safe and they were all in love with you. They gave you everything and you treated them like shit. They were really sweet and loving when they wanted to be. Even John and because you were a vampire part angel part demon, what would have happened if they hadn't found you? Your family couldn't have kept you safe and hidden forever.

You were so deep in thought that you didn't even realize that all the bubbles were gone and the water was freezing cold. "Jeez baby, how long have you been in here for? The water is freezing, come on." Tim helped you up as you smiled and he let the water out as you got changed into your pajamas. "Thanks Timmy." You said and he smiled when you kissed him softly. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer to him.

The sky began to rain as you and him made love. For once no one else interrupting and fucking you hard and rough. This time was different, it was soft and slow and every thrust felt like magic. You were making the kids lunch when Jason came up to you and wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your neck. "Morning you, how did you sleep?" You asked and pecked his lips and you pulled back and looked at his face. You felt yourself blushing, he really was handsome.

"I slept alright. You?" "I slept great." You said and put the kids' lunches in their bags. "Hey it's my turn to take the kids to school today. Want to join me?" He asked and you nodded.

"Bye daddy bye papa." Lily waved to you both as she ran to her friends. You said goodbye to Max and Alex before Jason drove off but he didn't drive straight home. Instead he drove out of Gotham. "Jason, where are we going?" You asked as he just smiled at you. "Your see, baby. I think you'll love it." He said and put his hand on your thigh and then turned up the music.

It was at least a 30 minute drive when Jason pulled up to a hill. There was a beautiful big oak tree and you saw Dean there and there was a bench with a picnic table on it along with some candles and food. It was so beautiful. You sat down as Dean smiled at you, making you blush. "You both did all this, for me?" You felt butterflies in your stomach as they both nodded. You three began to talk and eat and you forgot about everything and just let yourself relax and you had a great time.

You all watched as the sun began to set and both men watched as your face lit up from the setting sun. You looked so beautiful in their eyes. They smiled and you looked at them and blushed. Dean leaned in and kissed you. In seconds Jason was behind you and was running his hand up your shirt and began playing with your nipples. Like last night with Tim this wasn't rough and hard and they didn't shove both their cocks in at once. Instead, Dean made passionate love with you and it was soft and intimate as when Dean was finished it was Jason's turn and he did the same thing. You smiled and kissed him as he came and they cleaned you up before you all got in the car and Dean drove back home.

Once you did though you heard Lily crying and she wouldn't eat. "What's the matter?" You asked as you sat down. "We don't know she says she is in pain but we don't know why." John said as he looked at his daughter with worry. You saw her holding her cheek making you chuckle. "What's so funny?" Damian asked. You got up and got a bottle before you froze it. "Lily, can you open your mouth for me?" You asked and she did as told. You saw that her fangs were coming through and you gave her the bottle. She felt the pain subside as she snuggled close to you.

The men looked confused. "How did you do that?" Tim asked. "Yeah we were trying for hours to get her to calm down." Dick added. "I was like this when my fangs came through." You said and they made an oh face. "What would you all do without me?" You asked as you stood up and went upstairs. They all smiled at you. "You guys know that he has stopped taking his meds right?" Cas asked. "We know." Bruce simply said as he stood up and headed into the kitchen.

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